Page 47 of Mia Amata
“Yes. Jacob, I’m pregnant with another man’s baby. How do you think people will react to that when they realize that we…” I trailed off.
“When they realize what?”
“That we care for each other.” I finished.
“Is that true? Mia Amata?” He lifted my chin with his finger. “Do you care for me?”
“Jacob, people are going to think awful things of me. How will you deal with the way others will think about me?” I tried to pull away from him, but he wouldn’t let me.
“Mia, please answer me, do you care for me?”
I looked at him, tears in my eyes. “I can’t explain it, but I think I do. I’m so confused, we haven’t known each other long. People are going to object.”
“If you care about me, even just a little, then I don’t care what others think about us. All I care about is us.” He leaned down, kissing me gently.
“But your family, Jacob. How will your parents and your sister feel when they find out I’m pregnant? Have you considered that? What if they hate me?”
“They will love you; I promise. My family does not judge others. They are not that way. I bet you that Josh has already accepted us being together. It’s obvious Randy wants us together.”
I smiled, “Yes, she seems to.” Jacob kissed me again, this time more passionately. When he finally pulled away, I sighed. “I’m just not sure about a relationship right now. It scares the hell out of me truthfully. I don’t want to get hurt or have you be ashamed of me.”
“I would never be ashamed of you. I promise I’ll never hurt you. I’ll prove it if you let me. All I ask is that you give me, give us a chance.” We sat quietly, until he finally asked, “Can you do that? Do you want to do that?”
“I think I do want that; I’ll try to give us a chance. I hope I don’t disappoint you.” I started to shiver. We stood back up to go back into the house.
“Can I see you tomorrow?” Jacob asked.
“Yes, that would be nice.” We made plans for lunch the following day, then went back into the house, Lucky at our side. The movie was still on. Randy and Josh were still sleeping on the couch. We sat down, I covered up with the blanket as I was cold from being outside. Jacob put his arm around me, pulling me close. We finished the movie, then Jacob whispered to me “I should make sure the old couple get home.” We both smiled at this.
He leaned over, kissing me. I put my arms around his neck. He pulled me into his lap, kissing me even more passionately. We heard someone move on the other couch, so we both looked over in that direction.
Randy and Josh were still asleep, but we knew they could wake up at any time.
I could hear Jacob struggle to get his breathing under control. He whispered in my ear, “God Mia Amata, you drive me crazy. I want you so much.” I stiffened, he felt it and said, “It’s OK, we will take things as slow as you need to.” We sat there holding each other, both of us waiting for our breathing to return to normal, when we heard Randy from the other couch.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry we fell asleep.” Then she saw us, with me sitting on Jacob’s lap with our arms around each other. “Or not,” she said, smiling. She shook Josh awake. “Come on honey, let’s go home. It’s late.”
“Sounds good.” He saw Jacob and me then, his face breaking into a huge grin. “Don’t bother getting up, we will show ourselves out.” They grabbed the leftovers from the refrigerator and were out the front door before we could even move.
We looked at each other and broke out laughing. “Well, I think that answers your question about how they would feel about us.”
“Yes, I think it does.” I stood up, letting Jacob get up. We walked to the door, Jacob holding my hand. Jacob pulled me into his arms at the door, giving me another kiss, this one deep and drawn out. He finally pulled back and said, “I will see you tomorrow.” I nodded, not able to speak.
I went back inside and set the alarms for the night. I shut all the lights and TV off and went back to my bedroom as I thought about the night. I felt like my heart skipped a beat when I thought about kissing him. I had vowed not to let my heart run my life again, but it seemed like that was just what I was doing. The last thing I wanted to do was make the same mistakes all over again.
When I compared Allen and Jacob though, there were a lot of differences. There were traits that Allen had shown from the beginning that I was just too naive to understand. He had always been rough around the edges and always seemed to push me to his way of thinking, to agree with him. He was very manipulative.
I know I haven’t known Jacob for long, but I did not get the same sense with him, yet I debated that maybe it was too soon to know him that well. I wanted to get to know him better. I think I am starting to care for him. This scared the hell out of me. I finished brushing my teeth. As I was climbing into bed my cell phone went off. It was a text message from Jacob. “Hey, Mia. Thank you for tonight. I had a great time. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”
I replied back, “I had a good time also. Looking forward to tomorrow.”
He replied back, “Good night.”
“Night,” I replied. I curled up with Lucky lying on his blanket on the other side. I lay there for a long time thinking about where this relationship could go, or if it should even go anywhere. I finally fell asleep and, yes, I dreamed about Jacob.
Chapter 18
I woke up and looked at the clock. I was surprised to see it was 9:30 am already. I got up and used the bathroom, opened the curtains, then crawled back into bed. I curled up under the warm blankets, looking out the window. There was a deer in the yard with her baby. I lay there, content to just gaze out the window when my cell phone went off. I rolled over, picking it up. “Morning Mia.” the message read. It was from Jacob.