Page 53 of Mia Amata
He turned toward me, took me in his arms, looking me in the eyes. “I had a great time today.”
“I did too.”
“See you tomorrow night?” he asked.
“Yes.” He bent down, kissing me gently. He pulled back, “Night Mia Amata, I love you.”
“Night Jacob.” I watched him walk out to his truck and then shut the door.
Chapter 19
I woke up to the alarm going off at seven that morning. Shutting it off, I lay there for a few minutes, remembering the day I spent with Jacob. I smiled at the thought that I would see him again that night. I started my new job today, so I got up ready to get going. After showering and getting dressed, I made my coffee, taking it out on the deck as usual.
Lucky ran around the yard, soon barking at his sister, Lady, and Randy. Randy came up the stairs, went in to get coffee, then joined me on the deck. She seemed a little sad this morning. I knew it must be because Josh was gone again “Are you OK?” I asked her.
She sighed, “Yes, I just don’t like sleeping alone. I never used to mind it, but now that I have Josh in my life, I hate it. I miss him.”
Just then my cell phone chirped. I picked it up off the table between Randy and me, reading the text message from Jacob. “Morning, Mia. I had a great time yesterday. I miss you.”
I must have blushed because Randy said “Is that from Jacob? How did things go yesterday?”
I didn’t answer right away, as I was replying to Jacob. “I had a good time too.” I put the phone down, looking anywhere but at Randy. “It was nice. We went for a picnic and talked.”
Randy looked at me suspiciously. “Talked? You are blushing too much for just talking. So tell me what’s going on with you two?” I told her about our picnic, and we talked a lot while there. “He must be serious about you,” she exclaimed.
“Why do you say that?” I asked.
“Because neither of the guys share that place with anyone unless they are serious about them. Josh never took anybody there except me. I know for a fact that Jacob has never taken anybody there either. What happened next?” she asked.
I told her about the rest of the day, stopping with him helping me clean up from supper, that we continued talking after supper; then he left.
Randy let out a squeal. “You guys will be great together I know it!”
“On the picnic, we agreed to take our time,” I said. “I’m terrified of a new relationship.”
“Take all the time you need,” Randy said. “Sometimes you just know when it is right. I have to go, need to head to work. I’d rather stay here and chat with you though!”
“Me too. I have to get to work soon,” I said.
“When are you seeing Jacob again?” Randy asked.
“Tonight,” I said, smiling.
“I won’t bother you tonight then.” She said winking at me. “I am so happy for both of you. I just know you two will be great together.” She gave me a hug, then ran down the steps, whistling for Lady. I watched them go when she got to the path leading into the trees she turned and waved. I waved back. Turning, Lucky and I went into the house.
I had enough time to start our supper in the crockpot again, this time it was ribs. I’d let them cook all day in seasonings, then throw them on the grill shortly before we ate. I managed to get the ribs started, cleaned up the kitchen, and then headed down to my office to start work. Lucky followed me down, curling up at my feet as I started my first day. The day started with finishing up some paperwork and then training via a web call. We took a break at 12 for lunch.
I went upstairs, adding a few more ingredients to the ribs, then made a sandwich, taking it out on the deck so Lucky could run around for a little while. The break was soon over so Lucky, and I headed back to the office. Toward the end of the day, the trainer thought I understood the job well enough she let me work alone for the last hour. I sent all my reports directly to her, which was protocol for the first couple of days.
Then, when my work was consistently up to the standards set in the protocol, I would be able to send my work directly to the customer. My trainer received my work and told me she would review it, getting back to me in the morning with feedback. Clocking out, I went upstairs.
I checked on the ribs, deciding to make some mashed potatoes and sweet corn to go with them. I got those started, then sat down to watch a little TV while I waited until time to through the ribs and sweet corn on the grill. Lucky jumped up on the couch next to me. I stroked his head while we watched a cooking show. When the show was about to be over, there was a knock at the door. My heart skipped a beat, I shut the TV off and went to answer it. It was Jacob. He came in, closing the door behind him. “Hi,” he said.
“Hi,” I said smiling. He leaned over, kissing me.
“Mia Amata,” he said. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you today.” I didn’t say anything, I couldn’t. “Mia?” he asked. I raised my head to look at him. “Are you OK?”
I smiled, “Yes, I’m fine.” I laid my head on his chest; he wrapped me in his arms. We stood like that for a few minutes, until he said, “What’s that wonderful smell?”