Page 59 of Mia Amata
Nora mentioned that she has heard a lot about me from Randy. “Randy adores you,” she said.
“Randy is great.” I smiled.
“She is. I’m happy that they are getting married. I just wish they would set the date for the wedding soon.”
I picked my words carefully. “I think the holdup is they are trying to figure out how to have the wedding they want, yet still please everyone.”
“They will never get married if they try to please everyone,” Nora said. “Who are they worried won’t be happy with their choices?”
“Honestly, I think you and Donald.”
“Us? Why are they worried about us?” She turned to look at me.
“Josh thinks you will be disappointed if they don’t get married at the church. Randy would like to get married outside. I made the suggestion that maybe they can have the outdoor wedding yet hold the reception at the church.” I looked at Nora, hoping I hadn’t pushed the boundaries. The last thing I wanted to do was make her upset with Randy. Nora picked up the plate with the roast on it and carried it to the table.
“Of course, we would love them to get married in the church,” she said, “but it is their wedding. They should do what they want.” She came back into the kitchen. “The pastor at the church will marry them wherever they want. They don’t even have to have the reception at the church if they don’t want to.”
She opened a cupboard, pulling out a gravy boat, handing it to me. She picked up a couple of bowls, carrying them to the table while I poured the gravy into the boat. She walked back in, looking at me. “I’ll talk to Randy about it. The only thing that is disappointing me is that they haven’t set a date yet.” She filled some glasses with ice, taking them to the table. I followed her with the gravy.
“I think that would be good. She thinks a lot of you and Donald.”
“We adore her.” Nora smiled.
We sat down at the table, passing food around and talking. Nora asked me how I liked the town.
“I haven’t explored it too much yet, but I have a couple of little shops that I found that I adore.” Nora nodded, “If you need to do some major shopping you need to go to the city really, but there are some cute boutiques downtown.” I told her about the shopping trip Randy, and I took into town.
“I’m still looking for decor for the house. I have a few more things I’m looking for, but the house is really coming along.”
“Do you have a nursery started?” Nora asked.
I nodded. “I have several things already, a crib, changing table, stroller, and car seat. I have a few baby clothes. There seems to be a lot left I need to get though.”
“Do you know what you are having yet?” Donald asked.
Jacob smiled at me, “Mia Amata is positive it is a girl. We go for the ultrasound this week to find out for sure though.”
“Mia Amata, that is so sweet.” Nora smiled. “Listen, Mattie, what would you think about you, Randy and I going on another shopping trip soon for the baby? Pick up some of those other things you need?”
“I would love that,” I said.
“You have to promise to let me buy some things for the baby. I want to start spoiling her already.”
I laughed. “Of course, I promise.”
“Great! Make a list of things you need yet; we will make a day of it.”
Donald looked at Jacob. “Maybe, when they go shopping, you, Josh, and I can go fishing.”
“Sounds good,” Jacob said. “The fishing season is going to come to an end before we know it…” We finished our lunch, making plans to go soon. We decided to go in a couple of weeks after we checked with Randy and Josh to find out what works best for them.
When we had finished eating, Donald and Jacob insisted that Nora and I go sit while they cleaned up. I watched Donald, it was easy to see where Jacob learned to be so caring and kind. Nora and I sat down to relax.
“Nora,” I said, “I know that Jacob and I haven’t known each other very long, that this might seem sudden to you, but I love your son very much. He is so kind, generous, and caring. You have raised him to be a wonderful man.”
Nora smiled at me. “I take it that Jacob hasn’t shared the story of how Donald and I met, has he?”
“Louisa mentioned something about you being married two weeks after you met. Jacob told me a little bit.”