Page 65 of Mia Amata
Looking at the calendar again, “October 28th.”
“October 28 it is! We have a wedding date!” We looked at each other and then started laughing.
“Now what?” I asked.
He thought about it for a few minutes. “We need to tell the family. Let’s make reservations for Saturday night, invite them all.” I hadn’t met his sister, Janet, and her husband, Jack yet.
“OK. I’ll make the reservations; you call your family.” When that was done, we sat back down at the table. “I’m thinking I’ll ask Randy to be my bridesmaid.”
Jacob nodded, “Obvious choice. I’ll ask Josh. Now, where should we get married?”
I thought for a few minutes, “How about here? The backyard is gorgeous overlooking the lake.”
“Perfect,” he said. “Are you OK with the pastor marrying us?” I nodded. I had met him on a couple of occasions when I went to church with Jacob and his family.
“What’s next?” he asked.
“The reception. Since it will just be a small wedding anyway, we can do it here. I can cook something.”
“I will agree to the reception here, but I’d like to have it catered. I don’t want you to work that day. It is your day. Catering for the small group won’t be bad.”
I agreed. “I’ll ask Randy to help me with the decorations, there won’t be too many. Oh, what about clothes? I don’t think you guys need to wear tuxes, but it would be nice if you were dressed nice.”
“If you want us in tuxes, we will wear them,” Jacob said.
“No, I think dress shirts and ties would be enough,” I replied.
“What about you?”
“Me?” I said. “Um… maternity clothes I guess.” I shrugged. Jacob rolled his eyes. “What?” I said.
“I’m not expecting you to buy an expensive wedding gown, but I think you can find something in a wedding dress if you look around.”
“You want me in a wedding dress? With my baby bump?” He leaned over, kissing me.
“Do I need to show you again how sexy I think you are, baby bump and all?” he asked kissing me again.
“Yes,” I whispered, “I think you do.” We got up, stumbling our way to the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes in our wake where he showed me exactly what he thought.
Chapter 22
Saturday was here before I knew it, I found myself getting ready for supper with all of Jacob’s family, including his sister, Janet, and her husband, Jack. I wasn’t as nervous as I thought I would be, I was more excited to share with them that we wanted to get married in October. I had made reservations for us at a restaurant in town, reserving the smaller party room, so we could have privacy.
Jacob was already dressed, ready to go, waiting for me in the living room. He had let Lucky out, now Lucky was lying on the bedroom floor following me with his eyes as I tried on multiple outfits before settling on a new maternity dress that was off the shoulders. I put on some flats, looking at the end result in the mirror. It was obvious that I was pregnant although not too far along. I sighed. I guess I wouldn’t be able to hide it any longer.
“Mia Amata,” Jacob called. “We need to leave soon.”
“I’m ready.” I grabbed my purse as I walked out to the living room. Jacob looked up from the football game on TV he had been watching. He picked up the remote, shutting the TV off. “Well, I guess I can’t hide the baby bump anymore.” I ran my hands over my belly. I looked at Jacob who hadn’t stopped staring at me. “What?” I asked, running my hands through my hair. “Do I have a spot on my nose or something?”
He shook his head, got up, and walked over to me. “You look amazing,” he said. He kissed me, wrapping his arms around my waist. My arms curled up around his neck, pulling us closer together. The kiss went on, I could feel his reaction.
He groaned, “How much time do we have?”
“Not enough,” I said, pulling away. “We need to go.”
“I need a cold shower,” he said grumpily. I laughed as we walked out to the car.
Everyone was already at the restaurant when we got there, even though we were right on time. “Are we late?” Jacob murmured to me when we walked in, seeing everyone already there.