Page 12 of Commanding Chaos
“Spidy-sense?” I asked.
Ash let out a small laugh. “It’s an expression. I mean if someone else who can easily sense demons notices you.”
“I see.” The corners of my mouth turned upward against my will. Ash wore a corset, like women did in the previous centuries, which drew attention to the curves of her body. A sheer undershirt, tight black pants, and bulky boots completed her clothing ensemble, and her hair… The unnatural shade of blue somehow complemented her fair complexion, making it difficult to tear my gaze away.
This witch was an enigma. Pure of heart, yet tough and powerful, with a hint of…not evil per se. I believe the modern slang would be that she had a take-no-shit attitude, which I adored about her.
“We’ll take the van.” Ember pressed a button on her hand-held device, and the lock disengaged with a click.
Ash opened the side door for me before climbing into the front seat by her sister. I sat in the middle seat and closed the door, and we headed out of the alley onto the main thoroughfare. It took less than five earthly minutes to reach our destination.
Ember stopped on the side of the road before turning to Ash. “Tell your demon to stay put. He won’t listen to me.”
She was correct in that assumption.
“Don’t leave the van until we know the spell worked,” Ash said. “The windows are dark, so no one will see you in here.”
I observed her for a moment. I could have easily let myself out and made the trek to find Mayhem’s skull on my own, but their vehicle would get me there much faster. They needed to keep order in their coven, and though the idea went against my very nature, I conceded.
“I will await your word.”
Ash’s mouth twitched as if she wanted to smile. “We won’t be long.”
The sisters exited the van and jogged across the street where the trio of witches had sent the last gnome through the veil. Ash and Ember looked around as if they couldn’t see the witches standing before their eyes.
Shade must have used shadow magic. Magic which I could see through. I would keep that information to myself for now.
Ginger’s gaze locked on the van, and she picked up a sickle from the ground before crossing the street toward me. It appeared the shrouding spell didn’t work. The sisters didn’t see her leave the scene.
Now I had a dilemma. If this witch approached with the intention to vanquish me, I would have no choice but to kill her. Yet, I’d sworn to Ash no harm would come to her coven by my hand. I believed self-defense was a common reason for acquittal in this time. Ash needed me here in this realm to break the curse, so killing this witch would be in everyone’s best interest.
The question was, fire or madness?
Ginger reached the van and slid the side door open. Without looking, she opened the hatch in the floor. Her head snapped up, her eyes widening.
Madness would cause the least amount of trouble with the human police. I primed my magic, gathering it in my chest.
Ginger straightened, her grip tight on the sickle. “Who are you?”
“I’m a friend of Ash.” My power rose to just below the surface, ready to wreak havoc on her mind.
She dropped the sickle into the floor compartment. “I’m Ginger. What’s your name?”
Had the spell worked after all? If she felt my demon aura, she would have swung the weapon rather than disposed of it. “I am—”
“Ginger!” Ash shouted as she darted across the street.
Ember stood talking to the men, the shadow magic having been lifted, but when her gaze snapped toward the van, she followed Ash.
“Hey!” Ash smiled harder than natural. “I see you’ve met my friend…umm…” She glanced at her arm where my sigil hid beneath her sleeve. “Mark. This is Mark, a new fire witch in town.”
Ember stopped behind Ash, a look of alarm filling her eyes. “Mark. Yeah, he’s with us.”
“Hi, Mark.” Ginger studied me. “You don’t look like a witch.”
“Well, he is,” Ash’s voice raised an octave. “He’s staying with us while he’s training for a new job in Salem. Right, Mark?”
“Indeed.” I nodded a hello.