Page 55 of Commanding Chaos
She pressed her fingers to her temples. “But if we aren’t the ones who free him, he won’t owe us a debt. What if he won’t help?”
“Chaos can convince him.” I rested a hand on his shoulder. “Then we find Cinder and Discord, lift the curse, and mend the veil. No one has to know we’re responsible for any of it. This actually worked out in our favor.”
Ember’s gaze locked on my hand touching his shoulder. Her features pinched, but then they softened. “I don’t like it. People are dying, but…you’re right. Why risk our lives trying to find the skull when we can let someone else do the dirty work?” She laughed dryly. “What would Cinder think of us now?”
“That you’re doing the best you can to end Ash’s curse and keep the city safe.” He placed his hand over mine.
“It feels like we’re missing something, though.” Ember closed her eyes for a long blink before lifting her hands and letting them fall to her lap. “I need to think. With Chrys’s wards up, you should be safe without me for a while.” She stood and grabbed her house keys.
“You’re not worried about leaving me alone with a demon anymore?” I lifted my brows.
“If he had malicious intent, he wouldn’t have made it past the wards. The rest…” She shrugged. “You’re a grown woman. Do what you want.”
“Where are you going?” I asked.
“For a walk. I think better when I’m moving.”
“Obviously.” Chaos chuckled. “I’m surprised you haven’t worn a hole in the floor with your pacing.”
She twirled the keys around her finger. “The library incident was weeks ago. Why are they here now? What are we missing?”
I squeezed my eyes shut. Enough talking in circles. “I don’t know, and I’m too tired to think about it.”
She nodded. “Sleep, and don’t open the door to anyone who’s not in our coven.”
“Don’t worry about me. I’ve got a big scary demon to keep me safe.”
“Yeah. Because he’s done a fabulous job so far.” She closed the door, locking it behind her, and Chaos stiffened.
I massaged his shoulder. “She’s tired. She didn’t mean it.”
“Yes, she did, and she’s right. I vowed no harm would come to you, yet you continue getting injured.”
I laughed. “Believe me, that’s nobody’s fault but my own. I’m still the same witch who burned down the cemetery and possessed myself with a demon.”
“And I am very glad you did.” He grabbed my waist and pulled me into his lap before wrapping his arms around me.
I could have struggled. I probably should have gotten up, but I sighed contentedly instead, relaxing into his embrace. “I’d have preferred to meet you under different circumstances. You know…so you didn’t almost take over my body and make me cease to exist.”
He searched my eyes, though I couldn’t tell you what he was looking for. “It couldn’t have happened any other way. You are my salvation.”
“Can demons be saved?”
He lowered his gaze to my lips, and my insides tightened. “I would like to find out.”
“It doesn’t hurt to try.”
He took my face in his hands and kissed me tenderly, as if I were the most fragile treasure he’d ever held. I suppose I was, if I were to believe everything he’d said. Closing his eyes, he moaned softly into my mouth, the vibration turning my skin to gooseflesh. One hand slid down my arm, but when he reached my bandage, he gasped, breaking the kiss.
“It’s okay.” I brushed my lips to his. “It doesn’t hurt anymore. Look.”
I untaped the gauze, and he unrolled the bandage slowly, inch by inch, revealing my scarred skin in such a seductive way, heat pooled below my navel. He ran his finger over the scar and turned my arm over, caressing his mark and making me shiver.
“You drew it perfectly.” He traced his fingertip along the dips and turns, and it heated, glowing a soft red.
“I am an Ink Master.”
“That you are.” He inhaled deeply and looked into my eyes, his gaze penetrating to my soul. “It looks good on you.”