Page 18 of Claiming Chaos
“I can go alone. It’s just a library.” I needed to put as much distance as possible between us. His whole I can’t exist without you; you’re meant to be mine speech still had me reeling.
“I won’t leave you unprotected,” Chaos said.
I whirled to face him. “I’ve done just fine without you for twenty-four years. I don’t need protection.”
“Yes, you do,” Ember said. “Sorry, sis, but the circumstances have changed. We’re on the buddy system from now on, and you’re the only person he listens to. Whatever lovers’ quarrel you’re having needs to end right now.”
“Okay.” I threw up my hands in surrender. “Take the premade spells from my kit. I’ll put together some more before I…we…leave.”
Patrice held up her phone. “There’s a flight out of Boston in three hours. Do you think you can make it?”
Ember looked at the screen. “She can. Book it for her and Shade. Here’s my card.”
“Shade is not accompanying us.” Chaos crossed his arms.
Honestly, I’d almost rather have gone with Shade at that point, but I knew what my sister meant. “You’re going to use his ID, or they won’t let you on the plane.”
“Whoever they are, they can’t stop me.”
I opened my mouth to argue but thought better of it. Instead, I turned to Shade and held out my hand.
His expression pinched, growing even more sour, but he took his driver’s license from his wallet and handed it to me. “Don’t let him tarnish my name.”
“No promises,” I grumbled and gave it to Chaos. “I’ll cast a glamour spell on the photo to make it look like you. When we’re at the airport, your name is Shade.”
He peered at the license before sliding it into his back pocket. “Understood.”
“The flight is booked,” Patrice said. “The return trip is tomorrow evening, but you can always change it if you need more time. I’m sending the boarding passes now.”
Ember pulled me into a tight hug. “Don’t forget to book a room and try to stay away from other witches.”
I laughed and pulled away. “You do realize we’re going to New Orleans, right?”
“Do your best to stay off their radar. Fire and water don’t mix.”
“I will.”
Ember and the others left, leaving me alone with Chaos. I looked at him, and he looked at me, and for the first time since I’d met him, awkwardness expanded between us.
I didn’t like it.
Not at all.