Page 19 of Vanishing Legacy
“Oh yeah?” Alana stole a glance at Cash. The way his broad shoulders filled out his shirt meant he worked out. Probably before sunrise.
She pushed Rocco’s words from last night out of her head. It’d been a long time since she’d let a man into her personal life, and she wasn’t quite sure what to think of the one sitting at her counter. One thing was for sure, she’d have to set some boundaries so Rocco wouldn’t continue playing matchmaker.
“You know, Penny sure loves Rocco. You should’ve heard her chatting nonstop about him last night. She woke up talking about you both this morning.”
“She’s really sweet. Rocco hasn’t been around a lot of children, so it’s great to see him step into a sort of protective big brother role.”
Well, that came out wrong. She wasn’t trying to insinuate anything, but maybe Cash would let it slide. She reached for the bag of coffee beans and filled the grinder. “How’s the other girl? Libby, I think you said.”
“Good. We stopped by to see her before we came here. She’ll make a full recovery physically. Emotionally, well, we’ll have to keep praying for her there.”
Thank goodness they’d gone to the hospital first. Alana would’ve died if he’d shown up any earlier. The grinder whirred as she pulverized the beans into fine grounds. Alana readied everything and flicked the coffee maker on. The gurgling sound of the brew began to fill the kitchen.
“Speaking of getting up early,” she said. “You mind if I run freshen up while the coffee brews?”
Cash stood. “Oh, yeah, of course. I should probably check on the kids. See if their bed-making skills would pass my commander’s inspection.”
She thanked him and hurried to her bedroom. She changed into a black T-shirt and running pants and pulled her hair into a ponytail. While brushing her teeth, she swiped deodorant under her arms. One last check in the mirror. Good enough for now.
On her way to the kitchen, she noticed a dark stain on her shirt and lifted the hem for a closer inspection. Was that a grease stain? Her head collided with something hard that knocked her off balance.
Cash’s strong hands caught her shoulders. “Whoa, there.”
Oh. That solid surface she’d hit was his toned chest.
They danced around each other, exchanging a fluster of apologies.
When they finally stopped, she tilted up her head and scanned his face. Think. Think of something to say. Wow. His eyes were blue.
A small smile played at the corners of his lips. “Are you okay?”
“Um, I’m fine. I wasn’t looking where I was going. Obviously.” Alana became aware of how close they were standing and shuffled back, smoothing her shirt. Now if only she could get her pulse to stop racing. “Anyway…” She drew out the word. “I’m sure the coffee’s ready.”
“I could definitely use a cup of coffee right about now.” He made a sweeping gesture toward the kitchen. “After you, madam.”
In the kitchen, the coffee aroma revived her brain. She poured them each a cup as Cash settled himself back on the stool at the counter. The soft hum of the whirring refrigerator and muffled giggles carried across the house.
Alana stood across from Cash and savored the first sip in silence. This morning thing might not be so bad if it meant sharing a peaceful cup of coffee.
Cash set his mug on the counter. “So, I hope it’s okay, but I really wanted to stop by and ask you about the Elite Guardians.”
”Oh. Of course.” How dumb of her to think he was here for any other reason than to hire protection for his daughter. She’d planned to bring it up, but now she wouldn’t have to. “What do you want to know?”
“Let me back up. You might have heard already, but the cops found the scorpion guy.”
“Whoa, that was fast.”
“Fast, yes, but not the way anyone hoped.” Cash glanced over his shoulder. A total dad move. Little ears and all. “His name was Jeremy Black, and he was discovered dead in his car.”
“Murdered?” Alana asked in a low tone.
Cash nodded. “You remember what Black said to you, right? About money? Penny mentioned it too. Detective Williams thinks Black was contracted to abduct Penny and murdered because he failed. She could still be in danger.”
“That’s where the Elite Guardians come in?”
He shook his head. “No, I wasn’t saying I needed to hire a bodyguard. I believe I can handle protecting my daughter on my own. But I need insight. Knowledge on how to shield her properly. What to look out for. Your expertise.”
Her eyebrows shot up. “You’re seeking guidance, not a bodyguard?”