Page 50 of Vanishing Legacy
“I know the risks,” Bailey said. “This is important work. You know how many people die every day from illegal guns?”
Actually, he did know. Still, he didn’t like his sister putting herself in harm’s way. “I know. And I know you’ve got backup. Be careful, okay?”
“Always am.” Bailey gave him a small smile. “As I was saying, I already have enough evidence to put a major hurt on their business. But this one guy can’t stop running his mouth. He’s telling me exactly how they’re getting guns, drugs, and truckloads of cash in and out of the US. I’ve worked up the ranks and finally scored a big meeting. If things go well, we have the potential to take down all the major players.”
Alana scooted to the edge of the couch. “I understand if you can’t tell us, but we’ve heard about a player named Luis Trejo who has it out for Cash. Any truth to that?”
Bailey held up a finger. “See, that’s the problem. After Trejo made bail, Detective Williams pulled a warrant to search his house. But Trejo isn’t some low-level dealer in the Madrina cartel. He’s a distributor. He deals directly with the head of the cartel, and he’s the one who set up the meeting. Trejo is supposed to take me to meet the leader, but if he gets picked up it will blow my whole operation. Possibly my cover, which could get me killed.”
Cash jumped to his feet. “You do realize Trejo has been trying to kidnap Penny and kill me, right? The nightmare of the past few days could be over and now, what? You’re willing to let a potential killer go free?”
Alana stood. “Hey, that’s what I’m here for.” Her hand trailed along his shoulder and settled on his back. “You have protection.”
A crease formed in Bailey’s brow. “You really think Trejo is after Penny?”
Cash exchanged a look with Alana. Her detective skills were more in line with Bailey’s, so maybe she could talk some sense into his thickheaded sister.
“It’s all circumstantial,” Alana said. “Each man who tried to kidnap Penny had ties to the Madrina cartel. Trejo attacked Cash and pulled a gun. Williams thinks Trejo wants to kidnap Penny for revenge, but my gut says there’s something else going on here.”
“Yeah?” Bailey crossed her arms and leaned back. “Tell me.”
“So, I’m from LA, right? I’ve lived it. I’ve worked it. If a gangbanger wants you dead, you’re dead. End of story. They’re all about organized violent blitz attacks. We’re talking jumped in the street by a group of thugs. A drive by. Trejo could’ve shot Cash at the hot air balloon festival, but he didn’t.” Alana shook her head. “No, he’s had ample opportunities to take Cash out, but he hasn’t. Revenge might be part of it, but there’s some other reason they’re after Penny.”
“I see.” Bailey chewed her lip and gave a slow nod. “Is it possible Penny has something Trejo wants?”
He darted his gaze between Alana and Bailey. Both women stared at him. “Are you kidding me? What could Penny possibly have that a gang member wants?”
“Maybe it’s not something she has but something she saw or heard,” Alana suggested. “Something that could incriminate them.”
“How?” Cash threw out his hands “She’s just a little girl. When would she possibly have seen or heard something to incriminate an arms dealer?”
Bailey looked at her feet. Her features pinched. Despite her undercover training, Bailey couldn’t hide anything from him. They were twins. They had a special connection, and he knew her better than anyone else. “What’s that look, Bailey? What’s going on?”
“I...I can’t?—”
“Bailey!” He crossed the room. “This is my daughter we’re talking about! Your niece! You have to tell me!”
She held up her hands. “Cash, I can’t. I don’t have authorization.”
His pulse throbbed in his temples, but he forced a calm, even tone. “Bay, whatever you tell me, it won’t go anywhere. You can trust me. You can trust Alana. This is Penny we’re talking about. Someone is after her. You know I won’t say or do anything to jeopardize her life or yours.”
Alana hiked her thumb over her shoulder. “I can step out if that helps. Give you some privacy.”
Bailey released a heavy sigh and held up a hand. “No, just…sit back down. Both of you. I know my brother, and whatever I say to him he’s going to tell you anyway. But that’s it. You hear me? It stops with the two of you.” Bailey’s laser stare was dead serious.
Alana tugged his hand and pulled him onto the couch.
Cash sat on the edge of the cushion and stared up at Bailey. “Okay, yeah. We promise. My heart can’t take this, so just tell me already.”
“Cash, you gotta promise you won’t run off and do something stupid. We need to play this smart. Remember, this is all classified, and you’ll need to step back and let the FBI do its job.”
Whatever Bailey was sitting on must be big. He wasn’t the type to let his emotions get the best of him. If he were, he would find Trejo and deliver his own brand of justice. “C’mon, Bay, you know me better than that.”
Bailey’s eyes bored into his, and he steeled himself for whatever bombshell she was about to drop.
“You’re gonna find out about this sooner or later. Especially now that they’ve found her car.” Bailey sighed. “Sonia was under FBI surveillance for money laundering for the Madrina cartel. It’s possible Penny has information they want.”
* * *