Page 83 of Vanishing Legacy
Alana smiled. “Well, I don’t believe in luck, but I think it had something to do with a little Penny.”
Today was a great day, and it was only going to get better. Cash grabbed his gym bag packed with a fresh change of clothes and practically ran from his truck to Alana’s front door.
On the porch, a delivery driver had left an oversized cardboard box Alana hadn’t brought inside. He slipped the longer strap of his gym bag over his shoulder, squatted, and picked up the box. It was heavier than he expected, and now he couldn’t manage the doorknob with his hands full. He reached with his index finger. Couldn’t…quite…make it. Now that he had the heavy box in his arms, he didn’t want to put it down, so he turned sideways and used his elbow to ring the bell.
Alana opened the door in a white T-shirt, black jeans, and running shoes. His mind flashed to the night he first met her. Her black hair was pulled into the same ponytail with soft tendrils framing her brow. “Hey, I thought we talked about this. You can come in without knocking.”
He chuckled and shifted the box. “I couldn’t get the door open. My hands are full.”
“I can see that. What’cha got there?”
Cash paused and planted a quick but firm kiss on her lips on the way inside. “Beats me. It was by the door when I got here. Heavy, though.” He carried the box to the kitchen and set it on the counter, then dropped his gym bag on the floor.
Alana dragged her fingers down his chest, then tugged his tie. “You look so very handsome right now.” She went up on her toes and kissed him, soft and tender. “Now, are you going to tell me how it went? I’m dyin’ over here.”
He let his hands fall from her shoulders and looked at the floor. He worked his lower lip.
Alana took his hands. “Oh…Cash…”
“I got it.” He looked up and grinned.
“You got it? Really? You’re chief of surgery now?”
He couldn’t shake the grin and bobbed his head. “I wanted to call, but I thought it would be better in person.”
“That was mean.” She slapped his chest. “I thought?—”
He caught her hands and kissed them. “I’m excited about the promotion but even more excited to spend the day with you. I’ve missed you.” This time he gathered Alana into his arms. Slid one arm around the small of her back, the other arm along her shoulders. He pulled her up to his chest and kissed her. It was a long, lingering kiss that made his heart thud.
“Ooooh…you guys are kissing!” Behind them came the teasing voice of Rocco and muted giggles from Penny. Rocco pooched out his lips and made kissing noises.
Cash grinned and loosed his hold on Alana. She let her hands drag down his chest in a way that made his knees weak. They turned and looked at the mockers.
“Hey, kissing is perfectly normal for two adults who are in love. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” Alana stretched up on her toes and kissed Cash on the chin. Even after five months, his entire body still tingled at her touch.
“I know. I’m just playin’ around. Really, I’m glad you guys met.” Rocco wrapped his arms around them both in a quick hug. Before he pulled away, he patted Cash on the back and smiled.
Penny climbed onto a counter stool and pointed to the box. “For me?”
“I don’t know. Should we open it and find out?” Alana put her hand on Penny’s back and scooted the chair closer to the counter. “Rocco, you want to do the honors?”
“Yeah!” Cash handed Rocco his pocketknife and kept a close watch as he opened the knife and cut the tape.
He’d been nine when his father bought him a Swiss Army knife. It’d made him feel like a real man every time he flicked it open. Alana didn’t want Rocco to have a knife of his own yet, but they’d agreed Cash could teach safety and responsibility now, then surprise him on his birthday with the same classic red one his father had given him.
Rocco finished cutting the tape and folded the knife the way Cash had taught him. Cash slipped it back into his pocket. “Good job, bud.”
Together, Alana and Penny pulled out thick wrapping to reveal a full-sized white envelope on a stack of books.
Penny peered into the box. “What is it? What is it?”
Cash lifted a book and handed it to Rocco. “Check it out. It’s S. M. Warren’s latest book. The one where the main character is based on your mom.”
“Cool!” Rocco flipped through the pages. “And look! She signed it and everything.” He turned the book so they could see Warren’s signature scrawled on the title page.