Page 49 of Hunting Justice
Noelle’s shoulders rose and fell. “I have the photos in my desk.”
“Why not pin them to the wall with the rest of the images?”
“Because if anyone saw pictures and saw my tattoo, they’d know, or at least suspect. Even though you were the only person who knew about my work on those cold cases, I never wanted to take the chance of anyone connecting me to the serial killer if they saw my murder wall. But I guess that doesn’t matter anymore.” She shrugged.
He slid his chair back and stood. “Come on. Let’s confirm our suspicions.” Hand out, he waited until she placed hers in his.
Once in her office, she retrieved a manila envelope.
He sat on the loveseat and patted the cushion next to himself. “Do all the victims have the same tattoo?”
She tucked her leg under herself and sat facing him. “All but one—Kathy.”
The way Noelle said the girl’s name sent icy fingers crawling up his spine. “Was she a friend?”
“No.” She waved her hand toward the images on the wall. “After studying each case, I feel like I know them.”
Unfortunately, he understood that sentiment too well. Each victim—each autopsy—became part of him.
“Kathy was a dancer. She worked at a nightclub, waiting tables in the evenings, and went to college during the day. Her major was performing arts.”
“Have you figured out why she didn’t have the tattoo?”
Noelle nodded. “The killer dumped her like he did the others, but the medical examiner at the time believed an animal got to her before the police discovered her body. The skin on her neck was…destroyed.”
“So, let’s assume she had the same ink. May I see the photos?”
She handed him the stack. He flipped through the pictures, studying them one by one.
Jonah pointed to one of the images. “These tats are well done. The guy’s an artist. Why change to branding?”
“I can only think of two reasons. One, a physical ailment where he can’t hold the tattoo gun anymore. Or two, my copycat theory. Someone else has picked up where he left off, so to speak, and doesn’t know how to ink.”
“It’s time to do what Ken asked. Reopen his cases. I have a feeling your cold cases and Ken’s are definitely connected. It’s just a matter of how.” He had the case numbers now, so he could pull the documents from Ken’s file cabinet. Assuming Ken had hidden them in plain sight.
“I’d really like to see the actual police reports on all of those.”
“Then let’s call Matt.” Jonah doubted that his friend would balk at the idea. The EGA women had law enforcement privileges, and as a medical examiner, he had access to many of the reports.
“You do that, and I’ll call Alana and Juliette. I want them in on this, too.”
“Sounds like a plan.” He dug his phone from his pocket and hit speed dial for Matt.
An hour later, the doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it.” Jonah strode to the entrance, leaving Noelle, Alana, and Juliette in the living room. He opened the door. Matt stood on the front step with a file box in hand. “Come on in.”
“Thanks.” Matt brushed past him and joined the women. “Ladies, good to see you.”
Alana lifted her gaze from where she sat cross-legged on the floor, using the coffee table as a work space. “Hey, Matt.”
“Where’s Cash?”
“He stayed with the kids. He trusts Rocco, but he’s still not comfortable leaving Penny home without an adult.”
Trauma surgeon Dr. Cash Thomas’s autistic daughter had been abducted not long ago. The EGA team had swooped in and saved the day.
“Makes sense.”