Page 52 of Hunting Justice
“You have that something doesn’t add up look on your face. What is it?”
“I can’t help but wonder if there’s more to her story.”
“You think she’s hiding evidence?”
“No, no. Nothing like that. Something personal.” Jonah shrugged off the feeling and held his hand out to Matt. “Thanks for coming by.”
The detective shook it. “Anytime.”
Jonah turned and watched Noelle laughing with Alana and Juliette. She appeared carefree and happy. But her words about being damaged rolled around in his mind.
Sure, the scars had marred her skin, but something more lay beyond the physically healed wounds.
Would she ever trust him enough to share all her internal demons with him?
MONDAY, 9:30 A.M.
The sun’s glare bounced off the window of the three-story office building. Noelle held the glass door open for Decia, then strode to the elevator on the opposite side of the lobby. Once inside, she pushed the button for the second floor, which housed Congressman Clifton Sanford’s office. Noelle’s mind reeled from the information they’d uncovered on Saturday. How was Sanford involved? Or was it a case of coincidence?
Noelle leaned against the back of the elevator. “Thanks for coming with me.”
“It’s not a problem. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there this weekend.” Decia stood with her hands on her hips, watching the lighted floor numbers change above the metal door.
“Don’t worry about it. Your kiddos deserve to have their mom home on the weekend. Speaking of, how’d the baseball games go?”
Her friend smiled. “Three wins.”
“Tell the boys congrats for me.”
“Will do.”
The elevator came to a halt and dinged. The door slid open.
“Suite 202 is to the left.” Noelle led the way. “Since you’re the law around here, take the lead. I’ll jump in if I have any questions.”
“That works for me.” Decia approached the receptionist’s desk. “Hello, I’m Detective Ladecia Slaton, and this is my colleague, Noelle Burton. We’d like to speak with Mr. Sanford.”
Noelle had to admit, her friend was smooth, sliding in her name without referencing EGA.
“The congressman has several meetings today. May I ask what this is about?” The middle-aged receptionist peered over the top of her glasses.
“I understand. We only have a few questions for him. I’m sure he’ll want to assist local law enforcement.” Decia raised a brow at the woman.
Noelle smothered a chuckle.
“I’ll take it from here, Cindy.” A young man in his early thirties approached. “My name’s Royce Dwight. I’m the congressman’s aide. How may I help you?”
Decia nodded at the aide while Noelle scanned the reception area. “Mr. Dwight, nice to meet you. We need a moment with Mr. Sanford. It shouldn’t take long.”
Head down, Royce tapped on his tablet. “Let me see if he can spare a few minutes.”
“Thank you. We appreciate it.”
Noelle shifted her gaze to him. She had a great view of the top of the man’s head.
“He has five minutes before his next conference call. If you’ll follow me.” He spun and waved for them to follow.