Page 57 of Hunting Justice
“It’s different.”
“Than the images?”
She nodded. “Seeing the marks on actual skin other than mine… Let’s just say it messed with my head.”
“I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but I do know you’re one tough lady. Not many people could go through what you did and come out whole on the other side.”
Her laugh held no humor. “Who says I’m whole?”
His thumb traced her cheekbone. “I do. You amaze me.”
She had no idea how to respond. “I’ll let you finish. I’m going to step out and call everyone to meet at the EGA office.”
Jonah studied her for a moment, then nodded. He replaced the nitrile gloves he must have shed before he’d touched her. “Sure. It’ll take me a few minutes. I want to photo document the injuries in case our attacker comes back to destroy more evidence. I’ll meet you in the hall after I finish. Then we can return our Jane Doe to cold storage.”
Noelle nodded and rushed from the room. Her heart thundered in her chest, making it difficult to breathe. She leaned against the hallway wall and counted her breaths. The dark spots that danced in her vision dissipated.
God, after all these years, why am I having panic attacks now?
After spending years searching for evidence to identify her serial killer, she finally had a lead. But the gnawing in her gut refused to go away. If her killer still existed, rattling the proverbial cage might put her in the guy’s crosshairs. She’d never survive—emotionally or physically—if he got his hands on her again.
* * *
The drive to the EGA office held an eerie silence that worried Jonah. Seeing the body of the Jane Doe had shaken Noelle, and he had no idea what to do about it. He sat in the passenger seat, unsure what to say to bring Noelle out of her funk. Not to mention his own anxiety. He snorted. Weren’t they a pair?
He stared out the window, mulling over the evidence in both Ken’s cases and Noelle’s. So many similarities, yet different. His gut told him to chalk up the current cases to a copycat. But how did the new killer know the details? And if by chance it was the same person for both, he refused to stop until they had the man behind bars. He wouldn’t—couldn’t—allow the serial killer to get his hands on Noelle again.
She turned the corner and aimed the car toward the three-story house that EGA called home. The lush green trees and plants in the square across from the office beckoned him, the tranquility of the small park exactly what his battered nerves required. But a more pressing matter than his own peace of mind took priority.
Noelle pulled into the courtyard parking lot and shut off the engine. The trees shaded the vehicle, allowing a reprieve from the May sun. “Sorry.”
He swung his attention to her and scrunched his forehead. “For what?”
“I kind of lost it back there.” The sheepish grin that flashed on her face sent warmth flooding through his chest.
How could such a simple thing affect him so much? Unable to help himself, he brushed the backs of his fingers against her cheek. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I can’t imagine the memories these cases have thrown at you.”
“I’ve worked hard to keep the damage strictly to my skin. Seeing the cuts and branding up close sent my mind into a tailspin.”
Jonah narrowed his gaze, searching hers for the meaning behind her statement. “That’s not the first time you’ve used the word damaged to describe yourself. Why in the world would you think that? You’re a successful woman who hasn’t allowed what happened to you to ruin your life. Sure, you have scars, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t beautiful.”
Her mouth opened, then closed. “Let’s get inside. It looks like everyone is already here.” She exited the vehicle and stood at the back bumper, waiting on him.
They’d come a long way, sharing their pasts with each other, but she continued to hold on to something. One more layer to her pain. And he desperately wanted to be the person she trusted to confide in. Today didn’t appear to be that day. He sighed and joined her.
Mild humidity hung in the air, but the slight breeze that rustled through the trees in the courtyard cooled his skin. He’d love to sit on the patio with a glass of iced tea and enjoy Noelle’s company. But with a killer on the loose and a target on his back, reality dictated the necessity of meeting with the others.
He placed his hand on the small of Noelle’s back and escorted her to the entrance, the jolt of awareness a pleasant but unexpected reaction to the touch.
Her constant visual sweeping of the area brought the events of the past few days to the forefront of his mind. Was his attacker out there, waiting to take a shot at him again?
Once inside, Noelle strode toward the receptionist desk. “Morning, Raven.”
“Noelle. Doc. Glad to see you’re both okay.” Raven gestured to the stairs. “They’re upstairs in the conference room. I left water bottles for you, assuming the others didn’t drink them. I mean, you know how Matt is.” She rolled her eyes and muttered, “Goober.”
Jonah pinched his lips together to hide his smile. Raven and Matt tended to annoy each other, yet he wondered about their behavior and the underlying reason. Wouldn’t that be an interesting combo? “Thanks. We’ll leave you to your work.”
“Appreciate it, Doc.” Raven focused on the computer that sat on the right side of her desk.