Page 67 of Hunting Justice
“Yes.” She swallowed the boulder-sized lump in her throat. She’d never admitted that to anyone. “So I prayed. It started out with begging to get me out of there. Then over time, it turned into a conversation. I didn’t feel alone. And my panic faded. Oh, I was still scared, but I knew no matter what—alive or dead—I’d be okay.”
“Are you?”
“You mean okay?”
He nodded.
“Most of the time. But I do have my moments when I’m not.” She relaxed her grip. The hard part was over. “I’m alive. I have friends. I enjoy my life. Do I have insecurities? I think you know that answer. But I’m not that frightened teenager anymore.” She pulled into the parking lot of Forever Inked. “I’m taking it you don’t pray.”
He shook his head. “Not for a while now.”
She had a choice to make. Continue their conversation, or do what she referred to as a drop-and-run: give him time to digest what she’d said, and come back to the conversation later.
“Let’s see if anyone inside can help us.” She exited the car and came around to open his door.
“I hate this,” Jonah grumbled.
She attempted to hide her grin but failed. “Come on, cowboy.”
“Ha, ha. Very funny.”
They strode to the entrance.
The hairs on the back of her neck prickled. She froze.
“Something wrong?” Jonah’s gaze swept from left to right and back.
Her hand slipped behind her back and under her shirt. Her fingers slid around the grip of her Glock. She searched the street. Nothing appeared out of place. Maybe her mind was playing tricks on her. She shook her head. No, she refused to dismiss her instinct.
“Come on. I’ll feel better once we get inside.” Whoever had Jonah in his sights had her rattled.
* * *
The hanging bell on the door jingled when Jonah entered the second tattoo shop of the day. Noelle’s reaction had his nerves sparking like live wire. He shook off the foreboding sensation and focused on the mission to find the guy who’d hurt Noelle.
He examined the interior of the shop. Similar to the first one but had a classier impression. The same types of images lined the walls, except Forever Inked sported happier artwork. An abundance of flowers and hearts dotted the wall alongside the traditional skulls and crossbones.
“Am I imagining it, or does this place seem a little more reputable?” Noelle whispered in his ear.
Before he responded, a woman who appeared to like butterflies, if the four he saw on her arms and neck were any indication, approached them. “Welcome to Forever Inked. What can I do for you?” Her cheery tone—a huge contrast to Mr. Serious at the last place.
Noelle stepped forward. “I’d like to know if you have any idea as to the artist who did this.” She presented the image on her phone.
The woman tapped her lips with her finger. “The swoop at the bottom looks a bit familiar, but I can’t say for sure.”
“Do you have a name?” Jonah asked.
“No. It’s only a sense.” She took one last look then lifted her gaze. “Sorry I’m not more help.”
“That’s okay. It’s a long shot anyway.”
“None of my guys have that signature, but we’ve only been around for a few years. I don’t know all the artists in the area. Maybe try Body Murals. That shop has been in Savannah for twenty years or more. The owner is an old guy in his mid-fifties.”
Jonah bit back a laugh. He supposed to someone in their early twenties, fifty did seem old.
Noelle elbowed him. “Thank you. We appreciate your help.”
“No problem. Come on back if you ever want a tat.” The girl tilted her head and studied Noelle, then smiled. “I think a cross with a spiral of butterflies fits you.”