Page 92 of Hunting Justice
Detective Slaton pulled her vehicle up next to Matt’s and stepped from the car. “Ready?”
“Yes.” Jonah answered for Matt. No way he’d let his friend delay finding Noelle any longer.
“You heard the man.” Matt shook his head. “One thing before we go. Doc, you have to stay behind us. No rushing in before we get a read on the situation.”
“Fine. Just move.” His attitude toward his friends had turned snippy, but his patience had worn thin.
Matt and Decia took off toward the cabin.
Jonah sprinted after them. His thoughts ran wild at what he’d find when they made it inside.
Movement came from behind the garage. The trio veered away from the cabin, toward the other building.
The detectives stood to the side of the door and counted down. They breeched the side door in a synchronized fashion and ducked into the garage.
He plastered his back against the exterior. Come on. Hurry up.
“Doc, get in here!”
Jonah bolted through the door and came to a dead stop.
Noelle, still tied to a chair, lay on a plastic tarp that covered the ground, a growing puddle of blood underneath her.
Not again. He swallowed hard. Sweat popped out on his upper lip. The coppery smell coated his tongue.
He blinked, shaking off the past. He wouldn’t let his insecurities stand in the way of helping Noelle. “I’m on it.”
“I’m going after Austin!” Decia hurried through the open door on the back side of the garage.
“Take care of her.” Matt pointed to Noelle. “I’ll cover Decia. An ambulance is on the way.”
When had they called for medics? “Go.” Jonah spotted the knife on the floor. He retrieved it and sliced the rope around Noelle’s torso, then cut the zip ties on her wrists. He chucked the chair aside and rolled her onto her back.
“Hang on, honey. Don’t leave me.” He lifted the hem of her shirt and gasped. A bullet had entered her abdomen. He slipped his hand under her, felt for an exit wound, and found one. Two holes. And blood everywhere. At that moment, Jonah knew his own abilities would fall short. He’d watched Noelle fight through her past trauma with God by her side. He wanted that in his life again. That overwhelming soul-deep peace.
God, I never wanted to be in this position again. I need Your help.
He trusted God with Noelle. But unlike last time, he’d do his best work and accept the outcome. Oh, he might not like it and would give God an earful, but he wouldn’t turn away from Him, no matter what happened.
The realization settled deep inside him, giving him the calmness he needed to do his job. Jonah jerked his undershirt and shirt over his head. He bunched the undershirt, lined it up with the exit hole, and rolled her onto the cloth. With his shirt against the entrance wound, he pressed down, stemming the blood flow.
She arched and cried out.
“Sorry, honey. But I refuse to let you die on my watch.” He hoped—and prayed—his determination helped.
Her eyes fluttered open, then closed.
“Come on, sweetheart. Let me see those beautiful blue eyes.” Jonah’s hands cramped at the constant pressure, but he ignored the discomfort. It was nothing compared to the pain Noelle was experiencing at the moment.
Where was that ambulance?
Matt strode in, his breathing labored. “Decia got him. Tackled and cuffed him. It was a thing of beauty.”
“Is everyone okay?” Jonah asked without taking his eyes off Noelle.
“We are now that Austin Nelson is in custody.” Matt crouched next to him. “The ambulance is three minutes out. How’s she doing?”