Page 94 of Hunting Justice
Two hours later, Jonah sat next to Noelle in the ICU. Cords and medical equipment crowded the head of her bed. Her hospital gown exposed the scars on her upper arms, and her pale complexion against the crisp white sheets tugged at his heart.
Her lids fluttered but didn’t open. The nurses said she’d woken once since they’d moved her, but he’d yet to see it happen. Those quiet moments had given him time to reflect, and he’d come to a conclusion today. Now that he and God were back on speaking terms, the past no longer held him prisoner. Could he return to his previous job as an ER doctor? Yes. Did he want to? Probably not. However, he’d consider filling in for his hospital friends if the need arose. He returned his focus to the woman he loved.
“Elle, it’s Jonah.” He laced his fingers with hers. “Please, wake up, honey. I want to see those beautiful eyes of yours.”
The beeping sped up. He glanced at the monitor and watched the line spike.
A nurse rushed over. He held his hand up, stalling her forward progress.
“Easy, honey. Calm down. You’re safe.” He brushed the hair from her forehead and kissed her temple. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
Her head rolled into his touch, and her heart rate slowed.
The nurse studied the monitor, then nodded and returned to her station.
“Come on, Elle. Wake up for me.”
Noelle’s dry lips parted, then closed.
“Here.” He dribbled a few drops of cool liquid onto her lips.
She swallowed the small amount of water.
“There you go. Now that your mouth isn’t glued together, let’s try an ice chip.”
She gave a slight nod.
“You’re sore from the endotracheal tube they placed down your throat during surgery. It’ll go away soon.” He added another ice chip onto her tongue. “That’s enough for now.”
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“You are more than welcome.” He resumed his position in the chair next to her bed. “Can you open your eyes?”
She struggled, then her lids lifted.
“Hi there, beautiful.” He smiled. “It’s good to see you.”
She shifted and grimaced. “Stomach hurts. What happened?”
“Let’s not worry about that for a bit.” He straightened the sheet on the bed.
She quieted, and he thought she’d fallen asleep, but her forehead scrunched. “Got shot.”
“Yes.” Jonah tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Rest. We’ll talk more later.”
“M-kay.” Within a minute, she’d drifted back to sleep.
Jonah sat and stared at the precious woman lying in front of him. She’d stolen his heart before he’d realized what had happened. And to be honest, he didn’t want it any other way.
He laid his head on the edge of the bed and closed his eyes. Thank You, God, for giving her back to me. I promise to take good care of her.
Once Noelle was coherent enough to remember their conversation, he planned to lay out his wants and dreams.
* * *
Sunday, 3:00 p.m.