Page 105 of Target Acquired
Kenzie raised a brow. “You know?”
“Yeah. He swore me to secrecy, though. But now that word is out he’s a suspect in all that’s been going on with Kenzie, thanks to his personal errands and such, I’m going to tell you. He’s rude and he’s a pain when it comes to Kenzie, but he’s not trying to kill her. His sister is a single mom and she’s been admitted to rehab for a drug addiction. Butler’s been hanging out with his six-year-old nephew whenever he’s had the chance. When I explained that he needed to come clean and let me tell you guys everything, he gave me permission to share and tell you that he’s had an alibi for every attempt on your life. Including the home invasion. He was with his nephew each time. Butler sits by his phone day and night in case he’s needed.”
“What?” Kenzie sank onto the nearest chair, the news burrowing deep into her heart. “So, he’s not—”
“He’s not.”
“All right then. Good to know.” She only had a twinge of guilt at suspecting the man. Just a twinge. It faded quickly. “But that still leaves Oscar.”
Commander Hill nodded at Buzz. “Thank you. And I’m glad you’re here. We need all the help we can get.”
“So,” Kenzie said, “it sounds like our next move is to find Oscar. With backup, of course.”
“Yep,” Hill said, “but you’re staying here.”
“What? Why?”
“Because you’re a target. This is the safest place for you. The building is secure. Nobody gets in without a key card. There are detectives and officers upstairs, so you won’t be alone, and help is seconds away. We’ll handle this. You stay put. Sleep on the couch if you want, but don’t leave this building.”
“But, sir—”
“I’m not arguing this with you. Follow my orders or face the consequences.”
With a fire burning in her gut, Kenzie nodded. “Yes sir.”
“Good.” He looked at the team. “Get Butler if he’s available and let’s go. Crenshaw, you and Cowboy head to Woodruff’s home and talk to him. Cross, Greene, Otis, and I are going to follow that back road where we last saw the hearse turn off, searching every home and structure that could possibly be a hiding place.”
They left and Kenzie kicked the trash can. It clattered across the floor, then hit the wall with a solid thud. She drew in a ragged breath, then marched to the kitchen with her laptop. Just because she was trapped didn’t mean she was helpless.
For the next hour, she worked and watched both phones—personal and work. Every so often a text would come through with an update on her work phone. Her personal phone, the one Cole had sent the “I need help” text to, stayed silent. Even her father had stopped sending her messages asking if she’d solved his case yet.
And then her personal phone buzzed. With a text from Amelia, Kash’s girlfriend.
Looking forward to seeing you and your plus-one tomorrow night.
She’d forgotten all about the promise she’d made to attend. She tapped a text back.
Might not make it. Will let you know for sure by tomorrow morning. Will explain later. Emergency work situation.
No response. Not even three little dots indicating a reply.
She’d apologize later if she had to. Right now, Cole was her priority.
The back door to HQ opened and a short beep sounded. Slow, measured footsteps reached her. She frowned and placed a hand on her weapon. Then sighed. Only law enforcement personnel with a key card could get in.
But she rose to check the hallway and came face-to-face with Oscar Woodruff. Chills skittered across her skin, but she resisted the urge to leave her hand on her weapon. No sense in letting on that she didn’t trust him. “Oscar. Hi. What are you doing here?”
He planted his hands on his hips. “Is it true someone kidnapped Cole and I’m a suspect?”
She sighed. “Yeah.”
He frowned. “When? How?”
“Yesterday from the hospital. How did you know you’re a suspect?”
“Butler gave me a heads-up. Said they were headed to look for me.”
“So you came here?”