Page 65 of Target Acquired
Dr. King hurried to her, grasped her arms, and gently lowered her back to the bed.
“He’s dead?” she whispered.
“No, no. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you think that. He’s alive, he’s just injured.”
“Oh.” She pressed a hand against her racing heart. “Oh my word.” The memories came crashing back into her brain. The therapy must have blocked them for a brief time. What else had it taken away? Eliza sucked in a breath, then gripped the doctor’s fingers. “You must discharge me immediately. I have to go to him. I have to.”
He nodded. “I knew you’d want to, and I’ve been doing nothing but thinking how to make that happen.”
“Can’t you just discharge me?”
“And have you go where? Back to your father’s home?”
“No, of course not, but I do believe Betsy would let me stay with her.” He hesitated and she frowned. “What is it?”
“Betsy would love for you to stay with her.”
“You’ve talked about this?”
He nodded.
“What is it?”
“Your father went to Betsy’s father and told him of your delicate constitution and that if somehow you were to be released and showed up at his home, he was to be notified immediately.”
“And, of course, her father agreed. They’re two peas in a pod. Thick as thieves.”
“Yes, I’m afraid so.”
She dropped her face into her palms. What was she going to do?
His gentle hand on her shoulder lifted her chin. “Don’t worry, Eliza, I’m going to figure something out.”
“Before my next treatment?” She grimaced.
His jaw hardened. “Yes, before that.”
“I . . . I need to see William, Dr. King. I must.”
He paused. “I must admit, I’ve been thinking of a way to release you without your father pulling strings to move you to another place. A place where you’d have no help whatsoever. At least here, you have me.”
“I believe the Lord arranged for that.”
“Exactly. Which means he’s also arranged for me to help you. I’ve thought of going to the authorities, but I’m afraid I don’t know who to trust in that department. Nor do I have any proof of any accusation I may levy.”
“No, he has the police in his pocket. Not all, of course, but a lot.”
“I thought he might. So, it comes down to this. How are your acting skills?”
She blinked. “What?”
“Could you pretend to be submissive, apologize to your father, promise never to see William again, and go home without letting on how you’re really feeling?”
Eliza pressed her fingers to her lips as she thought. “For how long?”
“For as long as it takes for William to heal.”
“I don’t know. I just know I need to see him. I can’t stay away while he needs me.”