Page 94 of Target Acquired
The chuckle was raspy. “Sure. Why not?”
“What’s to come? What do you have planned?”
“That’s for me to know and you to . . . not find out until much too late.”
Cowboy went ahead, with Greene and Otis on his tail. Kenzie stayed behind them, while Cole and Butler brought up the rear.
“Get us out of here!” The female voice screeched through the comms and Cole flinched. “Please, help us! He’s crazy! He’s going to blow us all up!”
Shots fired in rapid succession from inside and screams echoed seconds later.
“Is everyone all right?” James’ calm voice came over the comms. “Why are you shooting?”
“Because this wasn’t supposed to happen! It’s messing with the plan and I have to think. But I can’t think with your constant yapping in my ear. So shut up!”
James fell silent. And Kenzie knew he was simply letting the man talk, think things through, and hopefully, give him something to work with. “I . . . I need to get out of here.” A harsh breath exploded in her ear. “I need a car. Bring a car and I’ll leave. I won’t hurt anyone and I’ll leave. Leave it at the back door with the keys in it and running.”
“Don’t believe him!” The high-pitched shriek echoed. “He’s going to kill us all!”
“Shut up! Shut up! Or I’ll finish you off right now!”
Oh, please listen to him and be quiet, Kenzie silently begged the terrified woman. Sobs reached her, but no more screams. And no more bullets.
James continued to talk with the man, promising him the car, asking for a bit of time to get it, while Kenzie clamped down hard on her nerves and clutched her weapon. She took a deep breath and stepped into the warehouse to find row after row of shelving with items organized neatly, making them easy to find and ship. Everything from dishware to clothing to Christmas trees.
She was right behind Greene and Otis, and she pulled up short when Otis barked and sat, refusing to go farther than the three feet just inside the door.
Greene frowned. “He doesn’t like something.”
“I’m not sure. He’s never done this before. What is it, boy?”
Greene started to step forward, but Otis circled in front of him, blocking his path.
“Stop,” Kenzie said. “Trust him.”
“Cowboy,” Cole said, “get eyes on this guy for me. You may have to work around the outside to the window. If I remember the blueprints correctly, the office is glassed in on the side facing the warehouse and there’s one window on the exterior wall. You should have access out there.”
Cowboy hesitated, his eyes on the dog, then lifting to Greene. “You done any explosives training with him?”
Greene stilled, then nodded. “Yeah. Some. Just for fun.”
“Looks like your fun might be paying off.” His eyes scanned the warehouse. “One of the hostages said something about blowing them all up. I don’t like this.”
Kenzie didn’t either, but what choice did they have? They were one man short and the other team had yet to arrive. “Do we wait on the others?” she asked.
A burst of gunfire from somewhere straight ahead answered that question. Cole huffed. “We need eyes. Now. Cross, update on hostages?”
“No one is hurt at the moment. He’s just angry and shooting at the wall, but I don’t know how much time we’ll have before he kills a hostage. I think he’s capable.”
“Understood.” Cole frowned.
“They’ve made the assumption that this is Charlie Matthews, but I’m not so sure. He keeps ranting about how they took his job—not his, but someone he knows? Maybe? It’s not exactly clear.”