Page 20 of Memphis Bound
"His manager."
"She plucked his sorry ass off the street and turned him into a star." Jessup's rough laugh rolls over me. "Been giving him hell ever since." He eyes me sideways, as if he's considering something. "Kind of like you. Only he isn't losing his mind over her."
He slides by before I can come up with a suitable response to that. Does the whole damn bar know that Memphis wants to sleep with me?
I don't see how, considering that he's been off doing other things most of the time since I started working here. I thought he was dealing with his music career. Apparently not, judging by the Riot Act his manager is reading him.
I lean against the side of the bar, watching her give him nine kinds of hell while he mixes her a drink and tries to plead his case. She isn't buying it.
"You told me running this place wouldn't interfere with the music," she says, crossing her arms to glare at him. "Don't make me tell you that I told you so. You know it's my favorite thing to say."
"Running this place wasn't the issue today, Riley," Memphis says, his tone light despite the assertiveness that lies beneath. "I had to handle something personal." His gaze flickers in my direction and then away. "I'll be there next time. I promise."
Something personal? I narrow my eyes on him, avidly curious what he had to do and what it had to do with me. And then his bruised and scraped knuckles flash through my mind. My heart sinks.
He went after Phantom today. I don't even have to ask to know that's what happened. He was so angry last night. Of course he went after him.
Yet again, I can't help but wonder who the real Memphis is. He's not the monster I've heard stories about, the one who supposedly got my brother killed. No, this man is far too protective and caring for that. But can I trust him? Can I put my heart on the line for someone who might just break it into pieces?
"I'm holding you to that," Riley says, her tone firm. "If you skip out again, I'll have you playing for Logan for the next year straight. Do not test me. I mean it."
"Jesus fucking Christ, Riley. You're a savage, you know that?"
As they continue their conversation, a new group of bikers spills into the bar, heading for my section. I grab my pad, push my conflicted thoughts to the back of my mind, and head their way to get their drink order.
Halfway back to the bar, my neck prickles. I glance behind me to find Venom's denim eyes locked on me, his stare cold.
I don't know why he hates me so much, but his attitude and animosity are getting old. I return his glare with one of my own, scowling daggers at him.
For the first time since I met him, he actually smiles. It doesn't reach his eyes. He doesn't stop staring, either. He just watches me with a weird freaking smile on his face instead of a cold glower.
I should probably tell Memphis about him, but I'm not interested in getting someone else fired. Besides, it's not like he's the only person here who hates me. Aside from Jessup, most everyone else does too. But I didn't come to make friends. I came to put together the pieces of a puzzle.
I'm just not sure what picture they form.
"Come over here for a second, Toto." Memphis's voice cuts through my thoughts.
As I make my way to him, I can't help but feel Venom's eyes following my every move. I shake off the uneasy feeling and focus on Memphis, who grins at me with that mischievous glint in his eyes that makes my stomach turn flips.
"Kylie, I'd like you to meet Riley, my manager," he says, gesturing to her. "And this is her husband, Cash. An this big motherfucker is Priest. The crabby bastard beside him is Dalton, one of our producers."
"Hi," I murmur, offering them a nervous smile. "It's nice to meet you guys."
"You too, Kylie," Riley says, extending her hand for a quick shake. She notices the bandage wrapped around my palm, and her brows furrow.
"Minor work injury," I mutter.
Her eyes widen at my explanation, her head whipping toward Memphis. "Don't you dare tell me she got injured in a bar fight, Memphis Hughes."
He groans, scrubbing a hand down his face. "I handled it, Riley."
"Clearly not soon enough if she got hurt." She scowls daggers at him. "I told you this place was a bad idea."
"I'm not having this conversation again. Besides, you know damn well why I opened this place." He holds her gaze, his steady. Some unspoken conversation passes between them before Riley huffs a breath and backs off.