Page 12 of Destined to Fight
“Oh, right.” She didn’t know what else to say.
Clyde followed her to the door of the suite, meowing after her. She reached down to pet him. “Good bye, little one.”
Kade stood up, but did not walk toward them, as if he was glued in place. “Fabian, please watch over her,” he said, with slight pain in his expression.
“As promised, sir.” Fabian bowed slightly at Kade then. “Shall we?” He motioned toward the door.
Kelly felt numb, and barely registered her response as she gave it. “Yes.” With that, they left the suite, and Kade, behind.
Asmund was standing outside Kade’s door and nodded to them as they left.
Fabian didn’t say a word as they took the elevator down to the parking garage. She followed him to a sleek SUV that looked like it cost more than she hoped to make in a lifetime. He unlocked it as they approached, and she climbed into the passenger seat. He pressed a button as he settled in the driver’s seat, and the engine purred to life.
“So where is your place?” Fabian asked.
“My place? What do you mean?”
“Yes, I am taking you home, and I will stay with you as your Guardian for three days, as Kade said.”
Kelly wanted to die of embarrassment right there in that moment. “I, uh, I guess Kade hasn’t really told you anything about me. I live out of my car. It’s in a parking garage fairly close to the Star Plaza.”
Fabian looked at her without the judgment she’d expected to see in his eyes. “Well, as much as I want you to feel at home over the next few days, I do not believe it would be comfortable for both of us to reside in your vehicle. Let us go pick it up and then we will find a hotel close to the area you frequent.”
“Fabian, I can’t afford a hotel. I don’t know what this guardianship thing is. Can I just release you from it? I’ll be fine. I’ve survived on my own for a long time now.”
“I will cover the hotel as a cost of my service to you. Guardianship, in trial or in permanence, is not something you can release me from. I am here to protect you until the trial period is up, or for the rest of your life, if you accept my offer.” He said it all as if it was no big deal.
She let out a sigh. “Everything seems to be so absolute with you guys. And what is it with you all paying for everything? First, Kade offers to pay for my training and to support me while I learn…whatever it is I need to learn, and now you’re just going to up and pay for a hotel for three nights. I find it ridiculously hard to believe that either of you is willing to pay for anything and everything under the sun without anything in return.”
He seemed to consider what she said for a minute before he spoke in his usual gentle tone, “The ways of the Arcane are nothing like those of humans. Many of our laws and traditions, and even our way of life, date back to thousands of years ago. Because our people live multiple centuries in their lifetime, our ways change more slowly, and the mistakes and lessons of our ancestors are much more fresh in our memories. Money is not typically a struggle for an Arcane because we have had more time to build our fortunes. Arcane tend to be more thoughtful and intentional with our money, but we usually spend it freely for a good cause. Kade and I have determined you to be a good cause.”
Kelly was quick to push back. “I know you both mean well, I just don’t understand how you two are so sure I am a good cause.”
“If you choose to join us, you will have to be open to changing your ways, Kelly. For an Arcane, your word is your bond for life, as are many other things. Guardianship, leadership, and many other jobs are served until death, and it is an honor to serve in any of them. Can you let the money thing go? It is not something we offer lightly, and neither of us expects anything in return. Just let me pay for a hotel for a few nights so we can both rest comfortably.”
She looked at him, ready to argue, but his light-blue eyes pleaded with her in the most genuine way. It was as though they spoke the words he had not: I will not hurt you. I will not lie to you. I will protect you, and I need you to trust me. Fabian was so patient and kind. She could have argued with him and pushed her opinions for hours and she knew he would not become upset or stop her. That made her stop trying to push him away.
Breathe, she thought, resetting her mind. “All right, I’ll accept you paying for a hotel, just please don’t choose one like this. Pick a normal one, you know?”
He laughed; even his laugh had that angelic tone to it. He nodded and pulled from the parking space in the garage. His car took to the streets effortlessly, purring along as Fabian drove. It was clearly not meant to be driven from stoplight to stoplight in downtown Dallas.
As they approached the Star Plaza, Fabian asked which parking garage she had left her car in, and she told him. He knew his way around, so Kelly didn’t have to navigate for him. Instead, she stared out the window and watched people go about their seemingly normal lives. Shame would keep her from admitting that a normal life would be a dream come true for her. Life was supposed to be different; she was supposed to have that normal life with a husband and kids. Instead, here she was with a conscience and no job.
There you go again with your daydreaming, wishing things were different. Suck it up, buttercup.
“Shut up,” she snapped at herself.
“What?” Fabian asked, confused.
Shit, she’d just said that out loud. “Sorry, not you. I, um, tend to have conversations with myself.”
He gave a short nod and responded like talking to herself was totally normal. “Oh, okay.”
The car made its way into the parking garage, and Kelly told Fabian where she had parked. When he pulled up next to her Excursion, she unbuckled and went to open the door, only to find that it was locked. Fear started to prickle its way up her spine until she looked at Fabian. He was as calm as ever, and even had his hand outstretched to her, motioning downward, as if to tell her to calm down.
He spoke softly, “I do not unlock car doors until I know the surrounding area is safe. Also, I need to tell you where we are going, and I want a promise from you that you will follow me in your vehicle. You know by now that you need not run from me and I have your best interests at heart, but if you try to evade me, I will find you. I have a duty to you for the next few days, and you cannot release me from it in any way.”