Page 14 of Destined to Fight
“I still don’t understand why you would offer to protect me.”
“I just knew it was the right thing to do,” said Fabian.
“And that’s it? You knew it was right, so you did it? Don’t you have a job or a family or anything else that’s more important than me?” She couldn’t believe she would take priority over anything in a stranger’s life.
“You really should give yourself a tad more credit. You are worthy of many things, including respect. Perhaps to help you understand my actions, I should fill you in on my race; Kade did tell you I would, after all.”
“Are all the races so different?” she asked, genuinely curious.
“Yes, quite. You see, fae are the protectors and peacekeepers of the Arcane. We are trained from a young age to be warriors. Different tribes train for different things. Some of us are fighters while others work in politics as mediators to help keep the peace between Arcane races and humans. If there was ever a war, either between races or between Arcane and humans, we would be on the front lines, calming tensions and defending the innocent. Another part of protecting others is offering Guardianship. Should you choose to accept my offer, I will be your Guardian for the rest of my life. Should you lose your life first, my Guardianship transfers to your next of kin if you have any offspring. The tradition is that Guardianship is offered on a trial basis of two days. During that time, the job is performed in its entirety despite the wishes of the person one has offered to protect.”
“You all really are shaping up to be an interesting bunch, but that doesn’t help me understand why you would choose me.”
Kelly was beginning to get bored with everything. Kade and Fabian seemed to be big on the history lessons but couldn’t just lay things out as they were. Nothing was simple to them. Years of reporting had taught her that people typically did what would benefit them the most; you just had to find their motives. The only problem was, the two of them didn’t seem to have any, at least none that were selfish.
The slightest amount of frustration showed on Fabian’s face in the form of a clenched jaw, but his response was as calm and gentle as ever. “You are thinking as a human. I have told you, my powers gave me the inclination that you needed my protection and that you will someday change the Arcane world. That was enough for me to offer you Guardianship. I realize this is new to you and does not make much sense in human terms, but you will just have to trust me for now. You will learn more of our ways in time.”
“What if I don’t want to know more, Fabian? What if I just want to go back to my normal?”
Fabian raised his eyebrows at her, amusement showing on his face. “Oh, sure, the talented journalist catches a break that will land her in uncharted territories, but she turns away to enjoy the comforts of her car and the riches of self-employment.”
Kelly laughed; it was impossible not to. Fabian had remained professional and serious until this point. The sarcasm of a beautiful, proper man would break anyone. When she finally stopped laughing, she managed to respond, “Okay, okay, you’re right. It is tempting, to say the least.”
“Why don’t we get some dinner? I’d like to learn more about you, and I’m happy to explain what I can about myself or our world. I’m sure you will have many questions over the next few days.”
Kade paced the length of the suite over and over again. Clyde followed at his heels, meowing all the way. They’d been at this for hours, ever since Kelly and Fabian had left. The sun had set long ago, leaving them in darkness, but Kade couldn’t bring himself to stop.
Kelly had been everything Connor had told him she was and so much more. She was proud, independent, and strong; there was a fire in her soul. Connor had hinted at her beauty, but he’d refrained from describing her in detail out of respect. Her body was perfectly proportioned and uncharacteristically muscular for a woman, something he appreciated more than he cared to admit. Her hair had been back in a bun, but the color was a rich brunette. Her eyes were the color of the ocean, a deep blue that wasn’t too light or too dark. Her skin was light and smooth. Her smile could light up the room, but her eyes could burn a hole straight to a man’s core. She was just the right combination of grit and grace.
One thing he had not expected was her temper. She had been so quick to defend herself and seemed to enjoy arguing with him about everything. It had left him at his wit’s end.
After hurting her in his efforts to stop her escape, he wanted nothing more than to care for her and comfort her. He was typically not the caring type, but she seemed to bring it out in him.
In his mind, Kade had imagined explaining things to her in detail, going all the way back to the beginning of time. He wanted to share his people’s history with her and show her just how special she might be. Then he would have explained what his offer of a mentor and a home really meant, the places she would go with him and the experience she would gain by his side as he served on the Council. He would have told her he’d protect her and give her the life of her dreams. Instead, she’d had outburst after outburst and somehow managed to completely ruin his usually calm and confident demeanor.
He had never been more thankful for Fabian and his foresight. Not only had the fae realized Kelly’s importance, he’d offered her Guardianship. Kade had made a mess of things, and Fabian had come to his rescue. Something told him Kelly would need Fabian’s Guardianship—and soon.
The cat yowled from the floor and head-butted his leg.
“Will ye stop yelling at me, Clyde? I ken I fucked up.”
He had regular conversations with the cat. He usually worked and lived alone, and it made more sense to carry on a conversation with a cat than with himself. At least Clyde talked back; the voices in his head were not nearly as entertaining.
Clyde let out another long meow before went to the couch to lie down, fed up with Kade’s pacing.
Come to think of it, the cat had a good idea.
Kade made his way over to the couch and let gravity take hold of his body. Just as his body hit the cushions, Clyde was on his chest, making himself at home.
“Ye dinnae have to pace around with me and wear yerself out too.”
Another meow as Clyde head-butted his chin.
Kade’s phone vibrated against his leg, making him cringe. He fumbled in his pocket for the horrid device and glanced at it before answering. Elizabeth, just who he wanted to speak with.
“Yes, Elizabeth?” he answered, not bothering to act like he was happy she’d called.