Page 33 of Destined to Fight
“Really, Fabian, destiny?”
“It is not the type of destiny most humans would picture. There are multiple options for each person to choose throughout their lifetime; if one door opens but you do not go through it, another will open in time. Right now, you are our destiny. Me, Kade, Virginia…you are our purpose.”
She almost lost her breakfast at that. “No pressure. And who is Virginia?”
“As I said, if you do not choose this path, another will present itself for all of us. Virginia is your likely mentor out there.” Fabian spoke so casually.
“So destiny is bullshit?”
“No, destiny is a chance at something great. It is your choice to accept or decline that chance. The same one will never come again; that is the thing about chances.”
She rolled her eyes at him. “You’re so damn cryptic.”
“In this case, no, and in others, I cannot help it. You will get used to it in time.”
“So you’re saying I should accept all of this?”
He shook his head slowly. “No, I am saying you should do what is best for you.”
She stood then, ready to go back to the dining hall. “You’re so helpful, thanks.”
He followed her happily. “Any time, Warrior.”
“If you don’t stop this warrior shit…” She was growing so very tired of it.
“You will what? Choose another destiny?”
She just rolled her eyes again and left the pool room. Maybe she could find her way back to the dining hall on her own. After all, this would be her new home now, wouldn’t it?
Kelly surprised herself and found her way back to the dining hall without getting lost or even taking a wrong turn.
The walk gave her some time to think and calm down, and she had a few questions for Virginia now that her mind was in the right place.
When she walked into the hall, Virginia was seated at the side table on the left, thoroughly enjoying her breakfast.
Kelly had too much energy, so she stood in the middle of the hall instead of sitting. She looked directly at Virginia and fired away with her questions. “Why do you think I need a Guardian?”
Virginia looked at her earnestly, unfazed by the question. “You are the first timekeeper prospect in centuries, and on top of that, you have an affinity to more than one element. There has never been a mage like you in Arcane history. You bleed power like a weak mage, but you’re not even bonded yet. If there hasn’t been an attempt to grab you, there will be, and I sure as hell don’t want to have to deal with those idiots.”
Well, she was definitely right on at least one count.
“What makes you qualified to be my mentor?”
“Look at you, coming back from your chat all grown-up and serious.” Virginia waved her index finger around in a circle gesturing toward Kelly. “Child, ain’t nobody qualified to be your mentor. As I mentioned, you are the first in history. Not many people study timekeeping, and those that do usually want to know more for the sake of control and power rather than knowledge. You and I will discover your power together.”
“How long until I become a mage?”
“How do you expect me to know? For a normal prospect with no knowledge, I’d say a couple decades before you’re ready. You’re…different. At least a decade though, I think.” She took a bite of pineapple from her plate and then held up her finger as she chewed to let Kelly know she had more to say.
When she was done, she spoke. “Let me be clear, though, I will not condone your bonding until you truly know the power you possess. Despite what you think you saw and felt tonight, magic is not pretty or fun. Magic can be deadly and entirely devastating. One twitch of a timekeeper can rewrite history as we know it. If you cross a line just a little bit, I will report you to the Council and leave.”
Fuck, she was getting in way over her head with the power to rewrite history. What choice did she have, though? Virginia had supposedly given her only a glimpse of her power. People were after her. This was it, the moment she chose her destiny.
She turned to Fabian. “I accept your offer of Guardianship.”
He stood and bowed to her, his hands at his sides. “Thank you, Warrior. It will be my honor to protect you.”