Page 36 of Destined to Fight
“A karambit. It is a very old blade, and it has been used for many different things over the years. To fight with it properly requires great skill and control,” Fabian explained.
“I do like it. It looks sinister.”
Kade cut in. “Ye can’y judge a weapon by its appearance. Ye need to consider its use and abilities and also take into account its shortcomings.”
“I don’t know enough about this stuff to choose something.”
“Aye, and that is where yer Guardian comes in.”
Kade looked at Fabian expectantly.
“I do not believe there is a perfect weapon in this case. You will be fighting against people of all races with all sorts of powers. Until you are bonded, you are at a significant disadvantage.”
Kelly looked over the wall and thought out loud as she scanned the blades. “I don’t want to carry around a giant sword. It’s too cumbersome, and it’ll make me stand out. Even shorter swords seem like they’re too much. That leaves me with small knives and daggers. Why can’t I just carry a gun?”
Fabian shook his head in the slight motion he always made. “Guns are not much good against Arcane because we are all immortal. They may slow us down, but not for long; we heal too quickly for them to do much. The more arteries you can cut, the better your chance against us. We will have to get creative with weapons against mages and warlocks, as they can use their magic from a distance. Surprise will be on your side in combat. You will want to draw your enemy in and prey on their weaknesses.”
“All of that makes sense.” Her eyes wandered over the different knives and daggers, studying them. “I can throw a dagger with the best of them, but they’re not much good for slicing.”
Her gaze kept going back to the karambit, and the child in her was slightly giddy at the thought of holding one in each hand. Badass wouldn’t even begin to cover it.
Fabian made her choice for her. “You keep going back to the karambit. That will be your weapon.”
“If that’s not the right one, I’m open to others. I really don’t know anything about all of this.”
“No, you do not. But sometimes we are led to choices for unknown reasons. You cannot fight with a weapon you do not like. This decision should be yours, and from there I can train you to use it.”
“Well, it does seem to fit the needs you say I have. May I hold it?”
“Aye, go ahead,” Kade said quietly.
She reached up slowly, taking it from the wall by the handle. Her index finger fit well in the loop at the end of the handle, and she wrapped her hand around it tightly. It was light in her hand and easy to hold; it fit perfectly. The loop gave her confidence that it would not slip from her hand; she was in complete control of the blade.
“This is what I want to fight with,” she said with commitment.
Fabian nodded. “Very well, then.”
Kade studied her for a moment before speaking. “Ye said ye could throw a dagger?”
It was her turn to wink at him. She hung the karambit back up carefully, then grabbed a dagger from the wall, turned, and threw it at the wood on the wall behind them. The dagger sailed through the air and found its home directly in the center of the wall, right next to a woman’s head. She was leaning to the side, having dodged the blade.
Her eyes found Kelly’s, but she spoke to Kade. “Keegan, welcome home. I see you brought guests.”
“Aye, Mother, meet Kelly.”
Kade’s mother had sharp brown eyes that seemed to stare deep into Kelly’s soul. She ignored Fabian’s presence as she spoke in a very proper English accent. “Kelly, so very nice to meet you. Keegan has already told me much about you. He left out your knife-throwing abilities, however.”
She pulled the blade effortlessly from the wall and walked to them.
Kelly fidgeted, not knowing what to do in the presence of Kade’s mother. Then she realized something. “Keegan?” she asked, turning from his mother to Kade.
“Aye, ’tis my birth name. I changed it decades ago to be modern. Mother hasnae come to like it just yet, so she still calls me Keegan.”
“You should be proud of your name, son.”
“I am, Mother, but I also understand the changing times and dinnae wish to stand out in the current world.”