Page 78 of Destined to Fight
Shock hit Kelly. Her mother could be a descendant of the original mage family? Holy shit.
“Dave, can ye get us everything ye ken about Emma? Date of birth, city of birth, parents’ names, anything will help us.”
Her dad nodded. “Sure, I’ll dig some things up. I have a few letters with some information on them. I can get it all to you.”
Kade nodded in thanks.
“Do you have any photos of the woman you married? What name did she go by?” Connor asked.
“I have some at the apartment, yeah. Not many, though. She hated being in photos, and she did her best to stay as far away from people as she could. Her name was Mary Evans. After we married, it became Mary Evans-Hart.”
Fabian jumped back in. “What brought on your divorce?”
Her dad considered that for a minute. “You know, I’m not entirely sure. We just drifted apart more and more as Kelly grew. When Kelly turned eighteen and left, I think we both gave up.”
Fabian nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer.
Silence followed for some time as everyone mulled over the new bits of information.
“Do you have a picture of her? Of my mom?” Kelly asked her dad.
He nodded. “I’ll bring it by tomorrow.”
Kelly gave him a small smile. It was all she could muster.
Asmund poured a much-needed round of Scotch for everyone.
Kade helped Kelly up long enough for him to sit in the chair. Then he pulled her to sit on his lap. She leaned back against his chest, thankful for his closeness. The energy it took to pull the water forth had left her drained as it was, and then the news about her mom took even more.
Her dad looked at her and Kade, suspicion in his eyes. “How long has this been going on?” he asked, knowing his question was clear.
A sigh left her, and she didn’t bother trying to stop it. “I’m old enough to have a relationship, Dad. I don’t have to justify it.”
“But he’s a—”
“A vampire, Dad. He’s a vampire. You’re absolutely right. I’m a mage—that’s just as scary. I won’t justify my relationship with him after tonight. What I will tell you is that he could have easily turned away and allowed me to be killed the night we met. He offered me shelter, a mentor, and safety without any strings attached. He accepted a great deal of risk by taking me in and has defended my life already. Kade is an honorable man, and his race means nothing.” She was almost yelling when she finished.
She hadn’t expected to defend Kade that much; he was perfectly capable of defending himself. Did she care for him that much, after such a short period of time? Shit.
Kade placed a hand on her leg in reassurance.
“I promise ye, Mr. Hart, I’ll take care of Kelly, no matter what happens between us. I’ve given her my word that she will be provided for and mentored under my care. Fabian has made his own promises to her as well. She is safer here with all of us than anywhere else.”
After that, Kelly drifted off as conversation carried on around her. She drifted in and out of sleep and caught mention of Guardianship, secrecy around Arcane, and bits about different races.
Her dad left sometime late in the night. She hugged him goodnight, thankful he hadn’t died of a heart attack after learning that vampires were real.
The next morning was completely normal, which was weird considering the prior day.
Kade was nowhere to be found, which meant he was in his office working. Clyde was with her when she woke and followed her around until she joined Fabian in the training room.
Training consisted of meditation that focused on her magic instead of breathing, followed by work with martial arts and the karambits.
As she downed a bottle of water after training, Fabian came over to her with a serious look on his face. He was usually so easygoing, a serious look meant he was concerned about something, and he knew she wouldn’t like it.
“You did well today, Warrior. You’re making great progress.”
“Thanks, Fabian. What’s on your mind?”