Page 86 of Destined to Fight
Fabian shook his head again. “Unfortunately, we are not in your world of journalism any more, Warrior. Public opinion does not matter here. The Council works only with their rules, and they can bend them if it proves beneficial to their agenda. Going to them without solid proof of Camille’s involvement would end in a dismissal of the accusation and a charge of defamation against you.”
“I don’t understand how such an advanced group of races can be so archaic in their laws.”
“When ye live for centuries, ye remember the mistakes of yer people much more clearly. Change takes longer because no mistake is forgotten.”
Every vampire in the room suddenly turned to face the front door.
“We aren’t expecting anyone, are we?” Asta whispered.
Kade shook his head.
They all stood, ready for a fight.
Three crisp knocks sounded, the kind that said the person didn’t have patience to wait for someone to answer the door.
Asmund strode over and unlocked it, placing his foot behind the door to block it from opening too far as he peeked out. “Can I help you, gentlemen?”
“We’ve been advised Kelly Hart is on the premises,” a man’s voice said in a monotone.
“Who’s asking?”
“Do not be smart, vampire. The Council has ordered her presence two weeks from this day at 10:00 a.m. Failure to appear will result in the issuance of a death warrant. Good day.”
Asmund closed the door without a word to the men outside.
He walked back to the living room and handed a letter to Kade.
Ginna stood and took the letter before Kade opened it. She skimmed it and threw it on the ground. “Well, shit.”
“I don’t understand. Why are they summoning me?”
“Someone told them about you,” Connor answered.
“Don’t they already know about me, though?”
“Aye, but this means someone reported ye, I dinnae ken what for and we willnae find out until yer appearance.”
Panic gripped Kelly, wrapping around her like a vice. Its fingers gripped her throat and squeezed, cutting off her airway. For a moment she couldn’t breathe. Then she tried to steady herself.
“Will someone please explain exactly what this means and what will happen so I’m not playing twenty questions?”
Fabian did the honors. “You will be expected to appear on the date and time they requested, not a second later, at the Council headquarters in London. They will not release any information on the allegations against you until you are there because they feel your reaction tells more truth than your words. You will meet with the High Council only. There are three representatives from each race. They will allow one person to accompany you. The room is soundproof, so Kade will not be able to hear what is said or give you tips. You will be alone with whomever you choose.”
He paused, checking to see if she had any questions.
“Please keep going.”
“They will tell you the allegations and give you ten minutes to explain your actions. They may call other witnesses of their choosing. From there, they will decide on a course of action. Their decision is immediate and absolute.”
The archaic nature of the system made Kelly cringe. “May I bring my own witnesses?”
Fabian shook his head.
“So the Arcane people have no voice then? You all just live in fear and follow the rules so the Council never calls on you? Will they kill me for this?”
Anger crawled up her spine as Kelly became outraged on behalf of all Arcane.