Page 91 of Destined to Fight
“What?” She couldn’t help saying that out loud.
Aye, he’s been out there the entire time, waiting for me to try and kill ye so he can save the day.
Kelly rolled over and groaned. The whole time?
She laughed at the thought of Fabian posted outside the door. She could see him with his hands clasped in front of him, a blank and dutiful look on his face with his blond hair braided neatly down his back. All while she and Kade sucked each other’s blood in his room.
Kade chuckled. Ye paint a funny picture in yer mind.
I feel like I’m back in high school, just waiting for my mom to catch my boyfriend and me making out in my room.
As much as I’d like to fuck with him, his priority is yer safety, and he does a damn fine job of watching over ye. Why dinnae we see what else we can do besides have silent conversations?
She nodded.
Kade placed the glass of Scotch in her hand and poured himself another one.
She took a sip before setting the glass back on the table.
My fingers are tingling like they do when I use my power, but the feeling is more intense.
Ye might have increased powers. First, see if ye can see what I picture in my mind, and feel what I feel.
She pinched his arm.
“Hey now! Ye didnae have to do that.”
Giggling, she reached out to pinch him again. He easily dodged, vampire speed and all that.
In some really strange way, I felt it when I pinched you.
Okay, what am I picturing in my mind?
Blood rushed to her cheeks as Kelly saw what Kade pictured in his mind. He was wrapped around her just as they’d been moments ago with his fangs deep in her neck, only both of them were naked, and the activities didn’t stop at a blood exchange. She could feel the desire coursing through him as he imagined the two of them tangled around each other.
Jesus, Kade, you can stop now. She sent protests to him in her thoughts, but her body betrayed her, and desire surged through her, building right between her legs.
Kade’s nostrils flared as he took in her scent, and Kelly felt his hunger matching her own.
The slightest warning came through her mind, then Kade had her back on the bed just as they’d been before.
His lips met hers, urging her to welcome every part of him. Kelly’s lips parted of their own accord, and she licked at his fangs, this time completely fearless.
Kade growled as he tasted her blood, and he deepened the kiss. He pulled her to him and pressed himself against her core. She felt his need both physically and mentally as every part of his being and feelings assaulted her.
His scent wrapped around her again, but this time it felt different. He was claiming her as his own.
Kade broke their kiss long enough to rip her shirt apart and leave it in pieces on the bed. Kelly returned the favor and helped him out of his t-shirt, desperate to feel his skin against hers.
When he came back down to her, the skin of his chest met her own, and the heat between them was almost unbearable.
His hand slid beneath them, cupping her ass and holding her tightly to him. His cock pressed between her legs, lighting another fire.
Self-control was lost, and Kelly found herself gripping the sheets as Kade claimed her.
Kade’s hand caressed her, starting at her ass then moving up her waist and hips to her breast, which he grasped greedily His lips moved from hers, sliding down her jawline to her neck, where he’d drunk from her only minutes before. His fangs scraped her delicate skin but didn’t pierce it again.