Page 95 of Destined to Fight
The driver, one of their additional guards, parked in a parking garage.
Fabian did a quick scan of the area and nodded, letting them know it was safe.
They all got out of the SUV and transferred over to a sleek-looking sedan. The guard unlocked it with the key Asta gave him. Fabian sat up front with him, and Kelly and Kade got into the back.
Fabian opened the glove box and pulled out their next set of instructions, handing them out to everyone.
Kelly opened her envelope and read the note. “Enjoy the ride.” She smiled. Of course Asta would have to give her “directions” for that.
Kade sent her a message that his was the same.
It seemed like the only one who had actual directions was the driver. He read his note and tucked it away, then just sat there.
Patience stayed with her for about thirty seconds before she sent Kade a question.
What is he waiting on?
I dinnae ken. Likely giving time for other cars to come and go so it’s more difficult for anyone watching to determine which car we are in.
A few minutes later, the driver backed out after Kelly heard a car pass and they followed it out of the garage. She could hear another car behind them and guessed these were more decoys.
About twenty minutes later, the car came to a stop. After his scan, Fabian got out of the car first, then told Kelly and Kade they could get out as well.
Kade’s jet was on an empty tarmac in front of them, along with another private jet to its side.
They hurried onto Kade’s, and the driver got into the second one. Kade closed the door quickly behind them, and the captain announced departure as soon as it clicked shut.
Everyone was already there waiting for them, and Clyde came running from the back of the plane to greet them with a loud meow.
“Hey there, little one, I’m so glad you’re here.” She gave him a gentle pat and went to the back of the plane since the seats up front were taken.
“I think that cat likes ye better than he likes me now.”
She gave Clyde another pat as he hopped up on the bed. “He has good taste.”
“Aye, he does.”
The flight to London was smooth. Kelly spent her time reading one of Ginna’s books on the history of the Council.
The more she read, the more upset she became. While the Council certainly maintained order over the Arcane, they did so in an extremely outdated way. No one had a voice, and change was nearly nonexistent. By the end of the flight, she was livid over the way the Arcane people were being controlled by their government.
Even though she knew Kade hadn’t taken his position on the Council for control, she couldn’t help that some of her anger was aimed at him simply for his involvement with them.
In some weird emotional feedback, Kade’s frustration bounced back at her over her own feelings. She wanted to shut her mind to him, but Kade hadn’t been able to figure out how to shut his own off, and it seemed unfair to leave him in the dark.
What has ye so angry?
Everything about the Council. How can you work for them and carry out their plans? Their way of handling things is so outdated, and it takes away the voice of the Arcane people. I just don’t understand how you can stand to support them.
Kade appeared in front of her. He ran his hand through his hair, looking exhausted. Did ye ever stop to think that maybe I took the position so I’d have a chance to change things?
She considered that for a moment. Honestly, no.
He sighed, seeming frustrated with the situation rather than her. I never dreamed of joining the Council. For over 200 years, I’ve worked to build my businesses and help as many humans as I can with jobs and benefits. My companies provide quality products and services in many different industries, and they’re all considered progressive in their visions. Then my father was murdered, and his position on the Council was offered to me. I had to make a decision about what meant more, and I chose to follow my father. I kent he was a good man, and his work on the Council had to have been for something. He never spoke about his work there, though, so I went in blind and I’m still working on finding my way.
Your mom did mention that briefly. You still don’t know who murdered him, do you?