Page 99 of Destined to Fight
Looking down, Kelly checked over her leggings and her hoodie. They weren’t stained or dirty, but they didn’t fit in here. At least she’d worn nice tennis shoes, thanks to Kade’s kindness. She might not fit in, but she came as herself, and that was the best she could offer anyone.
Fabian did fit in with his black dress pants and dark-purple button-up shirt. His leather trench coat completed the look, somehow commanding the attention and respect of anyone who cared to look at him.
The elevator dinged, and they all stepped inside. Fabian hit the number 32, and the elevator promptly shot upward, leaving Kelly’s stomach on the ground.
When the doors opened at floor 32, she wasn’t sure what to expect. Instead of the fancy lobby, the walls up here were plain and white.
Fabian led them out of the elevator to a small reception desk and advised the beautiful young lady sitting behind it that they were reporting for their 10:00 a.m. meeting. She nodded and looked back down at her computer screen.
Fabian muttered something under his breath, too quiet for Kelly to hear, and led them around the hall. The office space was bright and open, not what Kelly had expected at all. For some reason, she’d pictured a dungeon inside an old castle, but this was beautiful and inviting.
Giant black double doors stood at the end of a short hall. Two chairs sat outside them on either side of the hall. Fabian gestured for her to take one, then stood beside her after she sat. Asmund took the seat opposite her, seeming perfectly content to sit and wait.
Minutes ticked by, and she opened her channel to Kade, crossing her fingers that it worked at this distance.
Please, tell me you’re there.
She felt relief on the other end. Aye, I’m here, lass. Everyone else is here too. She saw them through his mind; their entire family watched him intently. Their family.
In that moment, she knew they’d make it through this together. No matter what the Council threw her way, they’d come out the other side together.
A loud click sounded as the doors unlocked.
“Kelly Hart,” a thin man in a tux called her name and beckoned her in.
Fabian nodded at him without a word.
The man swept his arm toward the room, welcoming them in. Kelly stood and followed Fabian. Her heart raced, and she felt her palms become clammy with sweat.
Calm down, lass, they can feel yer anxiety. Breathe.
She did as Kade directed, centering herself as she followed Fabian to the center of the room.
The room had the most unique shape. Half of it backed up to a wall of windows while the other half consisted of a curved wall filled with seats. The curve of the wall and that of the windows met at points on each end of the room, forming a pointed oval.
Fabian stood in the center of the room in front of the window and faced the Council. There weren’t any chairs or anything to lean on, not even a marker on the floor that showed where a person should stand. Just a wide-open floor in front of the highest Arcane government.
Sixteen people sat in front of them on three levels of rostrums. Three were on the top level, six on the middle, and seven on the lower. All of them had on what appeared to be robes, but Kelly wasn’t certain because she could only see from their torsos up.
A woman spoke sharply, making Kelly jump. “Miss Hart, you’ve been called here today to face an allegation of the unsafe use of power.”
Kelly found the woman as she spoke. She sat on the top level in between two men. The wooden rostrum in front of her seemed to give her strength and confidence, as if it would protect her from anyone that stood before her.
She stared at Kelly with dark eyes and a pointed face, the kind a mother gives when she’s giving a solid lecture.
“Since you seem so unfamiliar with Arcane ways, I’ll introduce myself. I am Grand Master Jones. You may address me as Grand Master, and only after you’ve been addressed yourself. Before we begin, Samuel will read your power. Please step forward.”
Fabian nodded when Kelly turned to him for guidance, and Kade sent assurance through their channel.
What if they picked up on the bond between her and Kade? What if they found out?
They willnae feel it, lass. This is just like what Ginna did when she met ye. You’ve done this before.
A short, stocky man with gray hair and small eyes walked up to her, his robe flowing behind him. He held out his hands, and she placed hers in them. Kelly felt him pull at her power and watched as blue, green, and purple wisps swirled around their hands.
The room was entirely silent as Samuel did his thing. Just as quickly as he’d started things, she felt him let go of her power, and it seeped back into her fingers.
Samuel gave her a slight nod and returned to his seat at the lowest level.