Page 122 of Call Me Sir
It’d be sexy if it wasn’t directed at someone so beautiful and professional looking.
Blue eyes fire up with what I’d assume is trouble.
“Why haven’t you and your father spoken in ten years?”
Holy shit. Did she just ask the most invasive question?
I find myself speaking in his place. “How the hell is that any of your business?”
She smiles. SMILES!
Sal holds out his hand to me, as if I’m the one who’s said something wrong.
“My father couldn’t accept that I’m gay.”
She holds the microphone out to him and I notice someone recording us behind her. I try to stand tall and look like the supportive partner I am. Though I’d rather be pushing her away and fleeing inside with him.
“Doesn’t that seem odd when he is with a man as well. Maybe his anger toward me was hatred for something he’s repressed in himself for so long.” Sal offers as an explanation. It’s profound.
Yet I sense a contingency in what he’s offering as his father’s excuse.
“Whatever the case may be, it’s going to take time and effort to repair what’s been damaged.”
Samantha nods, as if she understands.
Pulling the microphone back to herself, she launches into another inappropriate question. “How long have you and this young gentleman been together?”
It doesn’t matter! I want to yell.
Tugging at the collar of my suit, I reprimand myself for being so stupidly squirrely.
“Our relationship is new, and there is an age gap between us.”
“How much of an age gap?”
“Ten years,” he says with a regretful smile.
Does our age difference bother him?
Cole squeezes my arm and leans down to look at me. He starts speaking and I look up at him, but he’s not really talking to me, per se. “He’s younger but he’s taught me so much in the short time we’ve been together. Like how it’s okay to be gay. I was scared to be proud because of what I went through. Cole is anything but shy.”
Now his gaze is locked on mine. More cameras start flashing like crazy in our direction.
Then he snaps out of it and to Samantha directly, he says, “Now, if you don’t mind, we’re going to enjoy the party we planned.”
In the timing of a heartbeat, she bows her head. “Cole, do you work with Sal?”
My throat and mouth are suddenly painfully dry. “Yes,” I croak.
Sal cuts her off. “It’s really an incredible LGBTQ+ event. You should join us.”
Samantha’s smile falters a little. The air between them almost seems to shift to a turbulent wind before the air is sucked from the room.
“Thanks for the offer, and thank you for your time.”
Sal bobs his head then directs me down the red carpet.
“I know this is a lot, but you’re doing great. Just keep smiling and being handsome as you always are.”