Page 111 of Never Too Late
And that makes me happy.
My stomach is finally starting to ease after being in the bar already for an hour. I’m still surprised the two of them managed to pull this off, but what they don’t know is I’d realised what they planned a week ago. I went along with it anyway. I couldn’t spoil their surprise.
It’s been a year since I was officially diagnosed with autism. Everyone around me has been supportive. I hate that I felt they wouldn’t be. I’ve had my equal share of ups and downs. It hasn’t been smooth sailing, but I learn more about myself every day. Jae especially is the reason behind that. He asked me to move into his house the night after my diagnosis. After a few nights of arguing and then making up, I agreed. I just had to make sure he didn’t want me to move in out of guilt. I wanted to make sure he wouldn’t treat me any different.
And he hasn’t.
He never has.
No one has.
I wish I hadn’t feared this for so long.
Sitting at the table, watching him over at the bar while he talks to Idah and Jazz, I can’t keep the butterflies in my stomach at bay. He has always been exceptionally beautiful. There are times I look at him and feel as though I’ve forgotten air is in my lungs, and that I can no longer breathe. He stole my heart the first time I saw him, and he’s continued to do so every day since. Something about him now, though, now I know he’s happy. He’s safe and he’s home. It makes him shine brighter than any star in the sky.
Jazz is working the bar tonight with Tyler rushing over whenever it gets busy. She fit in easily with our little group, after threatening to kick Ty’s ass if he ever hurt the boys or Novah; but eased quickly when she realised just how important they were to him. She has met Idah a few times before, but they haven’t spoken much tonight. I’ve noticed the way they have been exchanging looks though. While Idah has mostly kept to herself, we still try with her. We won’t push her, but we make sure she knows we’re there for her whenever she needs us to pick up the pieces. She pops into the shop and the bar frequently, but Jae and I still feel helpless at times. Knowing there’s so much more we can do; she just won’t allow it.
But maybe she’ll let Jazz.
“Hi handsome.” Jae comes up behind me, pressing a kiss to the back of my neck. “Dr Pepper, with ice for you. Psycho.” Placing it down on the table in front of me.
“Thank you.”
“Are you okay? We don’t have to stay all night if you don’t want to. Let me know when you’re ready to go home,” he whispers into my ear, ensuring no one else around can hear.
I go to reply, but we’re interrupted as the door flies open from our left side, causing everyone to look that way. “How dare you decide to have a party without me?” A taller guy comes walking through the door still in his work uniform, a fresh black suit tailored to his body like second skin. Fit for a lawyer.
“You wound me, Dax. When Jae texted me, letting me know you were having a party, I think I cried a little bit that you didn’t bother to invite me. I was there when you two met, man. Don’t hurt me like this.” His very strong cockney accent echoes through the bar.
“Hey, don’t blame it on him, Ace. He didn’t even know he was having a get together. You’re making me regret even texting you in the first place right now,” Jae speaks up for me.
“Alright, alright, soldier. I’m going to get myself a drink at the bar with those two beautiful ladies anyway and I bet I’ll come back with both of their numbers.” He winks as he puffs out his chest before striding towards the bar.
“He’s got to be joking, right? Are you not going to tell him they’re both gay?” Novah asks, raising her brow. I think she feels the same as me. She doesn’t know how to react to him.
“Nope,” Jae and I say in unison, shaking our heads.
Ace is an unstoppable ball of energy that not everyone can handle. He always has been, but I wouldn’t change him for the world.
Novah breaks out in laughter, quietly saying, “Poor guy,” under her breath.
Taking a sip of my drink, I don’t say a word to her. I just smile because she hasn’t seen anything yet, and the way she looks back at me, I think she’s already aware of that for herself.
Jae places his hand on my knee, slowly rubbing it up and down. It’s something he’s started to do when he can sense I’m getting overwhelmed. I was just as surprised as he when we both noticed it was working. “Are you sure you want to stay? We don’t have to,” he whispers into my ear.
I notice Noah coming over from the corner of my eye, and instantly my defences are back up. He’s been to the house to visit us a few times, we’ve spoken, and we’ve apologised to one another. But I can’t help but feel on edge around him. It’s nothing personal, he’s a nice guy. Maybe it’s just me.
“Who’s that guy by the bar in the suit? I haven’t seen him before.” Noah comes to Jae’s side.
“Oh, Ace?” Jae responds. “You’ve met him before when Dax was at university, he had a girlfriend. Longer hair. He looks a lot different now. He’s a big-time lawyer. All fancy. Big money. I didn’t recognise him when I saw him a few months ago either.”
Noah coughs and I notice his face turning crimson red as Ace turns and starts to walk towards us. “Oh, fuck. I do recognise that face.” He pauses. “Shit. I’ve got to go. Erm, it was nice seeing you both. Happy birthday, Dax. I’m sorry.” He pulls his phone out in the worst attempt to pretend someone’s calling. “Hey yeah, I’m on my way out now, mate.” And he starts to walk towards the door, unable to turn back around.
“Who was that? He seemed to be off in a hurry. He has a nice ass though at least. That’s a shame,” Ace asks, but instead of taking a seat next to me, he walks out the same door Noah just left.