Page 32 of Never Too Late
Walking inside Ocean Notes Records instantly gives off a comforting feeling – similar to the coffee shop next door. It is obvious this place is cared for and looked after, and in return, the shop treats them with kindness too.
“If that’s you, bro, you better turn back around and go home.” I turn towards the tall blonde guy looking through records with his back to me with confusion. His voice is instantly recognisable as the voice that talked me through my panic attack.
He turns around to meet my gaze when he doesn’t hear a response. His face definitely isn’t what I'd place with that voice. Yet, it looks familiar. As though I have already seen him before.
“Oh hey, Jae, right? I’m Tyler. I’m glad you’re okay now, mate” he says while putting the stack of records he has in his hand back on the shelf. “I was in the coffee shop when the thunder started to strike, you scared us. No fault of your own, obviously. I guess I came in right on time.” He walks up to where I’m standing and pauses. “How are you?”
I still. Unable to look at him with anything other than confusion. It takes me a moment to gather my thoughts. I know what I want to say out loud, but for some reason I struggle. I’m left at a loss for words.
His short blonde hair is pushed away from his face. Upon further inspection, I notice he’s probably around the same age as me, with a body that he obviously works hard for. He crosses his arms and that causes his T-shirt to mould to his body, showing off the definition of his muscles with the movement. He has a smirk on his face, like he can read my thoughts. He’s cocky.
I spend way longer than socially acceptable staring at him. There’s something about him that feels so familiar. I can’t place my finger on it, but it’s as if I’ve seen him before.
Until I notice the one thing that stands out about Tyler. It isn’t his smile that he seems to give out so freely, or the way he holds himself, but his eyes.
They’re ocean blue.
The exact same shade as his.
"Take a picture, it’ll last longer." He winks.
I struggle stopping myself from rolling my eyes at him.
Oh great, he's an obnoxious prick.
I clear my throat before I start to speak, “Hi, sorry. I was just running some errands. I’m on my way to meet Idah soon, so I thought I’d call in and say thank you for helping the other day.” I gently place the bouquet of flowers on the counter, nudging them towards the edge. “Idah mentioned where I could find you to say thanks. Sorry I didn’t come by sooner, I haven’t been in the best state of mind since, you know.” I tremble.
“Hey, no hard feelings. You didn’t need to come by and say thanks, I’m glad I was there at the right time. Meeting Idah huh? So, you’re the mystery guy she’s been hanging out with. You two seemed awfully close. You guys dating?”
“What. No?” I look at him, eyes wide.
He gives me what seems like a knowing grin. “You sure? Guy to guy, you can tell me, that’s fine.”
“I’m gay,” I reply flatly.
“You’re what?”
“Not attracted to girls…”
Tyler glares at me with a raised brow. “I know what gay means.”
“Anyway, Idah mentioned you own this shop with your brother, that’s cool,” I continue, in an attempt to change the conversation.
With an easy smile, he nods. “Yeah, D. He’s a good kid. I’ve made him take a few days off though. The poor guy is always working so hard. Doesn’t really give himself any time to think. I forced him not to come in or I’d kick his ass. That should explain the shouting from when you first walked in, I hope. I don’t just shout at every customer when they walk through the door. I’m just waiting for him to strut through the store, making sure we haven’t been robbed or the place isn’t set on fire yet, actually…”
I take in what Tyler is saying as I stroll the aisles of records, tracing my fingers over ones that seem interesting but not really focused on them. I’ve never really been a fan of music. The frames on the wall beside a glass display cabinet, that’s filled with what seems to be a Walkman and more records, catch my attention. I return the record in my hand and walk over to the frames. The random art fits the aesthetic of the place and gives it a unique and quirky appearance.
I take my time looking over the pictures, replying to Tyler with short yes and no answers. I think he’s realised I’m more interested in the art on the wall than conversation, because he’s finished speaking. My eyes trail from frame to frame. Collages of pictures of concerts and the ocean fill the large, open space, but I can’t stop my body from freezing when I see the last photo on the wall.
It’s not a random photo, it’s so far from being random.
Because it’s him.
A photo of Tyler standing outside of Ocean Notes Records with his arm around another guy stares back at me.
Teasing me.
I can’t take my eyes off the other guy and his sad eyes that call to me. How many times have I stared into them, wanting to make them glow with happiness?