Page 68 of Never Too Late
He has a playlist on repeat, blasting through the open space, lost in his own world, singing along to the lyrics. He knows exactly what song is playing just by listening to a few seconds of the tune.
I slowly approach his side, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. He has his hair down today, not in a bun, which is how he’s been wearing it lately, probably due to the length. It looks good.
“How come you’re up so early? Could you not sleep?”
“Oh, I definitely slept. I knew what you were doing, by the way. You and your wicked mouth. The bike needed an oil change, I thought I’d do it before I left for work. I’m sorry if I woke you up, I didn’t mean to.”
“No, you didn’t, don’t worry. It was the sun. I should get some blinds on the windows, but I like it. It reminds me I’m not on the field anymore.” I shrug.
He puts down the towel he’s using and turns around to face me. “I know, sunshine. You’re so busy checking on my sleep, I notice that you don’t sleep much either you know. We’ve got to look after each other.”
There’s no point denying my lack of sleep. I don’t sleep the best; I wake up multiple times during the night. Sometimes the memories, the nightmares, feel too real, I can’t get myself back to sleep afterwards.
But I do sleep better with him in my arms.
I pull him into my arms, bringing him closer into my body, tipping my head down to tuck it into the crook of his neck and shoulder.
Hints of the ocean air and caramel invade my senses.
I’m finally home and I never want to leave.
Chapter thirty-eight
“One day, the distance between us will be nothing but a memory. I’m counting down until that day.”
I will never get used to the fact that I can wake up back in Jae’s arms again.
After all the time I spent convincing myself it would never happen again, the fact it’s now become reality blows my mind.
I felt guilty when he came downstairs, and I thought it was the music that woke him up, but I was instantly relieved when he explained it wasn’t me. He thinks I don’t notice that he doesn’t sleep much either. When in fact, I notice everything. Maybe that’s why I don’t sleep so much myself. My brain is working overtime.
I don’t like leaving Jae at home on his own, I know he’s fine and I have nothing to worry about, but I also know he doesn’t like being alone. I surprise myself sometimes because I think I know him better than I know myself.
He knows me better than I know myself.
I persuaded Tyler to have the day off today, it wasn’t easy to do but I didn’t give him a choice. He needed some time off; we own the shop together. It wasn’t fair to him; he was here more than me, when we should be here the same amount of time. We’re brothers. We do everything together. But recently I’ve been allowing him to do more than me, especially with the shop. And I hate myself for it.
I need to look after him as much as he looks after me.
But he’s been looking after me for so long. Will anything I ever do be enough to be able to repay him?
Walking out of the back room with a pile of records in both hands, I make my way to the store floor, ready to do my alphabetical organisation of records, a routine I’ve gotten myself used to. Without thinking about it, I’m automatically doing it.
I’m lost in the moment, singing along to Love Story by Taylor Swift, allowing the tune to blast through the speakers, when the store front door flies open and in walks a woman that looks a few years older than Tyler, with long brown hair, who I’ve never seen before. Her face looks familiar, but I can't picture where I recognise it from. I don’t think she’s a tourist.
“Dax, right?” she asks. Her voice doesn’t sound familiar, but she has a Welsh accent, so she’s local.
Uh oh. What has Ty done wrong now?
“Yeah, who’s asking?”
“Hello, sorry I didn’t introduce myself when I walked in. I’m Novah, my two sons attend your music lessons, Theo and Frankie? Tyler has been helping me out this week with it being half term. He overheard me saying how I needed to work, so he suggested helping me with them. They’ve been here most days during school hours. He has them today, I managed to get away early so I thought I would surprise them and come pick them up. Are they not here?”
Why hasn’t he mentioned this to me before?
“Oh, hi. No, they’re not here, it’s just me today. Um, if you take a seat at the back, I’ll send a text to Tyler asking where he is.”