Page 70 of Never Too Late
I’m climbing out of the shower when I notice my phone ringing continuously from an unknown number. I hesitate answering but I know that Bee is due any day soon and the boys are due back home soon. It could be important. I let it ring a few times and when it stops, I breathe with relief. It can’t be that important.
No matter how old I am, I hate answering the phone to an unknown number.
It then starts to ring again.
With an anxious feeling in my stomach, I take in a deep breath and answer. “Hello?”
“Took you long enough to answer the phone, my wife has just given birth to your goddaughter you dumbass.”
“Fuck! What? Is everything okay? When did you get back? How is Bee and the baby? Fuck. You’ve had a daughter. Fuck.” I’m lost for words. Issac and Bee didn’t want to know the sex of the baby, they wanted to keep it a surprise, but I knew deep down just how much they both would have loved a daughter. My heart fills with so much pride for my brother and his wife.
This is their dream, finally becoming true.
“I got back earlier today, I’m clearly fucking magic. One look at me and her waters broke. Yeah, mate, they’re both fine. They’re perfect. You should come see them when you’ve got a chance.”
“Yeah, fuck. I’m sure we could come out - I mean, I could.”
“Well, fuck. Can’t say I’m surprised because I knew it would happen. You finally worked things out with Dax then?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Hey, no, brother. No hate. I just knew you would both find your way back to one another that’s all. Have you spoken to Noah? Does he know about this?”
“How could I speak to Noah? He hasn’t come home yet.”
“Noah is in the waiting room right here; he is home. He came back with me today.”
Fuck. I’ve worried about Noah since I came home. I’ve never been able to really thank him for saving my life. I owe the kid everything.
“Guessing you’re going to tell him?”
“Nah, mate, I think it’s best coming from you. He mentioned he wants to come see you, I ain’t ready to leave the girls yet. I wanted to come see the house and everything, too, but not right now. But I’ve told him he can borrow the car.”
“Yeah, of course. I wouldn’t expect you to come and leave them yet. I’m more than happy for Noah to come, I’ve missed him. He’s our brother.”
“Cool, I don’t think he’s too keen on being around a baby anyway, you know, with his past before he joined us at the barracks? I think it’s getting to him so if it’s okay with you I can send him your address and he can come straight over?”
“Fuck, yeah. Of course he can. He can stay as long as he wants.”
“Sweet, Jae?”
I hear a ping on the phone as the call switches from voice call to video.
“I’d like to introduce you to your granddaughter, this is Adoria.” He turns the camera around, showing a tiny baby girl with a full head of red hair and my heart bursts with so much love. For as long as I have known Isaac, he has always wanted a family. Children have never fazed me; it isn’t something me and Dax have really spoken about before. He knew Bee and Isaac were expecting, but having children has never interested me. I get the impression he feels the same, so she’s probably the closest I’ll get to having a daughter of my own.
I take a few more moments to stare in awe. I’m fascinated how she’s been in Bee all along and the two of them created someone so precious.
She’s the perfect mix of the two of them.
And then she starts to cry.
“I’ve got to go, brother, little miss is hungry I think, just like her dad. I’ll call you later, okay?”
“Yeah, sure. Whenever. I’m glad you’re home, Isaac. Text me if the three of you need anything. I love you all.”
“We love you too, mate. Bye.”