Page 91 of Never Too Late
“But I can keep an eye on you when you’re there. I know you’re safe. I’m there if you need me,” he tries to protest.
I notice the sadness in his face, not wanting to cause him anymore, and I realise when his mouth unknowingly starts to form a smile, he knows what he’s doing.
And I’m allowing it.
“Okay, I’ll come into work with you. There are a few things I could pick up whilst out anyway, I don’t know how much more I can take of being locked up in the house anymore. I don’t think I’m exactly housewife material.”
“You could just work with us you know – we could use an extra pair of hands.” He attempts to slide his hand down my chest before I catch it and take hold.
“That’s your thing, Dax. I love that you have a passion for music, and I love you, but it isn’t my thing. It’s been a long time since I’ve been anything other than a soldier, I can’t remember much about myself apart from the need to protect. I need to find myself again.”
“But at least I’d be able to sit and stare at you all day. Gives me another excuse to go to work.” He shrugs, as I feel him press a kiss to the back of my neck before removing his arms from me, pushing himself away to stand up from the bed.
I quickly stand, looking down towards him, pressing a kiss to his nose, inhaling his light scent of ocean air mixed with caramel. I don’t want him to think I don’t want to spend time with him. I do. But as I stand and think about what I’d like to do for a job, the idea of flowers comes back each time. Something about them excites me more than being in a music store. And as I stare at his beautiful skin. I know he’s the reason for all of it.
“Lucky me, spending another day with you in the shop.” He takes a deep breath, pushing to his tiptoes, taking my mouth with his, sliding his tongue against my lips for entry, and I happily oblige, allowing him to steal my breath away.
Pulling himself away, I can’t stop myself from staring into his wide blue eyes. I can almost feel myself getting lost in them. And I would, If I allowed myself to. He breaks contact to turn and walk towards the wardrobe in search of some fresh boxers and clothes and I still find myself unable to stop staring at him with awe. He takes out his own, putting them in a pile beside the wardrobe as I notice him also collecting some for me, which he brings over.
I place a kiss on his chest, whispering a thank you before quickly pulling back.
Dax might not be comfortable with the way he looks, but to me, he’s a work of art.
Dax hums a familiar beat as I admire the sun beaming outside and the roads empty as people are still in school or at work. We’re able to get to the high street without any delay, parking in the only space available, in front of the record shop. I managed to convince Dax into allowing me to drive us to the shop today, again. For the last few days he’s been trying to convince me to get on his bike with him and there’s no chance of that happening. I’ve only just gotten used to the noise the engine makes, I’m not going to be sitting on it anytime soon.
The shutters are already drawn up, which makes me and Dax stare at each other, conveying the same confusion. He’s mentioned how recently Tyler has been more willing and demanding about being in work where he used to be the one finding any excuse not to be, but he doesn’t seem to mention it again once we’re inside.
“Hey, here comes my brother actually, he knows more about records than I do,” Tyler shouts from the corner of the shop floor, already with a customer wanting Dax’s help. Before Dax manages to run away, I quickly pull him to my side, pressing a kiss against his cheek, watching his face flush red as he turns away with embarrassment.
He hates it when I catch him off guard, but it’s one thing I can’t stop myself from doing. The shade of crimson his face turns, is my favourite colour. Just like a rose.
Tyler walks towards me as Dax is now engaged in conversation with the young customer about records.
“You’ve made it just on time, he saved me. I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about.” His shoulders lift in shrug as he scans through the paperwork he has on the counter, just as quickly lifting his head up to carry on the conversation, “He managed to convince you to come back in again today then I see?”
“I can’t say no to him. I know I should, I just can’t.”
“I know what you mean. Thank you, for how you are with him, I mean. I appreciate it. He deserves someone who understands him, someone who’s as gentle as you are with him. Has he…” His face becomes serious. “Spoken anymore about what we spoke about?” His face twists, showing a look that is a mixture of confusion and sadness.
“He hasn’t. I don’t want to push him. I’m scared to mention it, I’ve been waiting for him to bring it up on his own.”
He nods, letting out a deep breath. “Yeah, that’s probably for the best. He hasn’t mentioned it to me either. I just didn't know if he would have done it with you,” he grunts in disagreement.
I know he means well with his brother, he wants to protect him. We both do. But we’re also both aware of how carefully we need to handle this conversation with Dax, too.
“I’m going to go take a walk actually, if you don’t need me here. I have a few things I need to pick up for the house. If you need me, call me and I’ll be right back.”
“Sure, that’s fine. I’ll let him know.” He quickly lifts his head, no longer staring at the papers in front of him, gaining my attention. “Hey, Jae, did you know there’s a florist at the bottom of the street? Bernie’s a regular next door. He’s a nice guy. I think he’d like to talk to someone who knows more about flowers. He’s always trying to get me to talk about them but I have no clue. Not as much as Dax anyway. It might be worth having a pop down to see for yourself.”
“Oh, actually, that sounds great. Thanks, Tyler, I’ll see you soon.” I wave as I turn to walk out of the door.
I inhale sharply, taking in the smell of the ocean as it never ceases to calm me. It’s the opposite of torn down buildings, destruction, and the smell of fire, which I’m more accustomed to. But it helps me remind myself I’m here and I’m safe.
I’m home.
Getting sidetracked from my original purpose to walk the high street, I decided to explore the length of it instead. I’ve lived here for almost three months now and I still haven’t explored the area. Coming towards the end, a muted green building catches my eye. The building itself is similar to others on the high street, with a mediaeval look on the outside complimented by the large green wooden windows and shutters encouraging every person to walk past to come inside to take a look. The atmosphere on the outside is as welcoming as the café, bursting with warmth and life.
Walking inside, flowers of vibrant colours decorate the walls in large pots, bouquets with ribbons are showcased along the counter, and behind stands an older man with grey hair and glasses perched on his nose. He moves to the side when he hears the bell chime from the door opening, revealing the most beautiful bouquet I have ever seen. Pale toned colours of romantic shades complement one another. The mixture of red roses, tulips, and orchids tell a love story on their own. I hesitate for a moment, stopping and staring at the beauty in front of me, wondering if it’s too late to turn around, but remind myself that this is what I want to do now as Jae. Nervously approaching him, I introduce myself.