Page 24 of Scarred Souls
“You helped her at the restaurant. She let you drive her home, right? If she didn’t trust you, she wouldn’t want you to know where she lives.”
I’d neglected to mention that I hadn’t really given her a choice in being driven home.
“For the record, I think this is a terrible idea.” I scrubbed my hand over my face. “Fine. What should I say to her?”
“Tell her everything—who we are, what we do—and gauge her reaction. If she’s still loyal to the cartel, she’ll be anxious. If she despises them as much as we do, she’ll be intrigued. And then you hit her with what we know about her.”
“She might try to run.”
“I’m almost certain she will. We can’t let her disappear again, which is why you’re going to be her new shadow.”
I laughed nervously. “She’s gonna love that.” She already couldn’t stand the sight of me.
“The last thing we want is for anyone to snatch Elena from under our noses. You need to convince her that you’re her ticket to safety and persuade her to fly to Montana with you.”
“And if she refuses to leave?”
“Then you have my permission to bring her here any way you like.”
I grinned. “Now you’re talking.”
“That’s not the outcome I’m hoping for. We want her to be compliant, which means you need to watch your mouth and keep that sunny attitude in check.” Brandon sighed like he held little hope of me following his instructions. It wasn’t my fault he’d tasked me with a job I wasn’t qualified for. “If she’s willing to help us, we need her to feel safe enough to talk. You know how much is on the line. We’ve been hunting Carlos Espinoza for over two years now and have gotten nowhere. Bringing Elena to our side could be a game changer in taking down the entire Pacific Coast Cartel.”
I scratched the back of my head. “Yeah, I get it. Don’t fuck this up.”
“Correct. Call me when you have news.”
“Copy that.”
Ifought back a yawn and hosed out another dog cage with Olivia Rodrigo blaring through my earbuds. It’d taken a long while to get to sleep last night with the events at the restaurant triggering unwanted thoughts of blood, violence, and Vaughn’s intense brown eyes.
Then, as though my brain were intent on torturing me even as I slept, I’d dreamed of my dark savior. Not just any dream. A spicy dream that had made my body come alive. And dammit, but it’d felt so real.
I shouldn’t complain. A sexy dream was better than the nightmares I usually endured, but the lingering memory of the intimate moment replayed in my mind. Vaughn and I in my happy place—the ocean—with my legs wrapped around his waist as he effortlessly supported me. Even now, my cheeks heated as I recalled how I’d ground my hips into his and his greedy hands had pulled me against him. It’d been sensational material to accompany my vibrator session this morning. I hadn’t needed to move it from its lowest setting before I’d climaxed twice in five minutes.
A flash of black caught my attention. Titan. He barked on the lawn, his big head swinging between me and the front yard.
We weren’t expecting visitors, but it might be someone from the village needing medical attention.
I pulled my earbuds out, stuffed them into my pocket, and turned off the hose. Titan waited for me, sticking close as I headed around the side of the house.
The back of a truck I’d recognize anywhere came into view.
Grim was here.
Crap on a cracker.
Vaughn stepped out of the car, making his exit from the huge vehicle look easy on his long jeans-clad legs. His eyes found mine, and I was floored by the same overwhelming reaction I’d had the first time I’d seen him. What the hell was up with that?
Titan went straight to Vaughn, where he received several firm pats on the rump, exactly the way my mastiff liked.
I’m not jealous of my dog.
I mentally scolded my subconscious for serving up that goddamn dream this morning, as well as my foolish lady parts for going all fluttery at the sight of a man I had no business getting hot and bothered over.