Page 71 of Scarred Souls
“No. You go.” I watched Vaughn through the window. “I’ll be fine.”
She gave me a confused look. “I can’t figure out if you kids are getting along or not.”
I scrunched up my nose. “I suppose he’s all right when he’s not being a dick.”
Dee smirked. “The prince of darkness is sleeping in your room now?”
“Don’t start.” I held up my hand.
“I didn’t say anything.” She didn’t need to, though, because my crazy redheaded housemate limped her way from the room, whistling the opening chords to Ginuwine’s “Pony.”
Titan nudged my hand with his snout, so I gave him a pat. “Don’t you start, either. I already know what you think of him.”
The sliding door opened, and Vaughn entered while returning the phone to his back pocket. “That was my brother, Owen. Told him I don’t need him after all.”
I folded my arms and nodded. “Good.”
“Now, how can I help with the dogs?”
I blinked a few times before responding. “You want to share the morning chores?”
“Did you think I’d sit around and watch while you do all the work?”
Actually, yeah. I still wondered if this was some trick and at any second he’d laugh in my face and spend the next hour making fun of me as I shoveled shit and cleaned cages.
I pointed outside. “You can start by mucking out the pens and giving the dogs fresh water.”
“I can do that.” Vaughn nodded. “Come on. Get dressed so we can start.” He clapped his hands, prompting me to guzzle the last of my coffee and follow his orders.
After changing into a pair of cutoff denim shorts and an old T-shirt, I worked side by side with Vaughn, going through my morning tasks. He even helped by applying eye ointment to Daisy and repairing the door hinges on one of the pens. Frankly, it surprised me that we worked together so well.
Jobs completed, Vaughn and I took the more energetic dogs to the beach for exercise. It was sweet how he gave each of the pack some love, doing his best to remember their names and telling them they were all good boys and girls. Seeing Vaughn so relaxed and carefree around the dogs made something tighten in my chest. He might be a jerk to people, but his kindness to animals made me think a little less harshly of him. Maybe if I’d been through whatever he had, I’d be bitter with humanity, too.
When we reached yesterday’s swim spot, I stopped and asked, “Are you coming in?”
Vaughn wore an uncomfortable expression. “I’ll sit this one out.”
“That’s a shame.” I stripped out of my T-shirt and shorts, leaving myself in only a red triangle bikini. The two-piece made my boobs look huge and left little to the imagination. “Who’s going to save me if I get another cramp?”
My eyes roamed every inch of Hope’s gorgeous body. The mischievous smile on her face was almost enough to bring me to my knees.
The longer I spent with this woman, the harder it was to recall why I kept pushing her away. Then I remembered to add virgin to the already long list of logical arguments for why I couldn’t touch her.
What the hell had I been thinking last night? The brain between my legs had taken over with the sound of that toy buzzing, and I’d turned into an even more uncivilized version of myself. My behavior should’ve repulsed Hope, but it hadn’t, and that terrified the ever-loving shit out of me.
She likes it when I’m dominant in the bedroom.
Now, I couldn’t stop contemplating the possibilities that presented, and how torturous it was that I could never act upon any of them.
“Please.” Hope gave me puppy-dog eyes while beckoning me toward the shore.
“Gatita, you don’t fight fair.” Could those scraps of red material even be called a swimsuit?
At this point, even if she asked me to wade into frigid arctic waters, I’d still say yes, because only a moron would turn her down. “Lead the way.” I gestured to the small waves, hoping she’d go first so I could stare at her ass.