Page 13 of The Goalie
Whatever it was, it was not PG-13. Those eyes were X-rated.
“Do you like hockey?” Jane asks as she takes a sip of her drink.
“Do you?” I ask with a laugh.
She shrugs her bare shoulders. “Not before I met Tucker,” she says as she gives him a shy smile. “But I’m starting to come around. I just close my eyes during the fights. I don’t like that part.”
She must close her eyes a lot. Her boyfriend is the biggest, baddest fighter in the league.
“I like it,” I say. I used to only watch it because my mom forced me to watch Dad’s games when he became a coach, but it’s grown on me over the years.
Especially when Nolan is playing. I can’t take my eyes off the TV when he’s on the ice.
He suddenly appears in the crowd and my chest tightens. I suck in a breath as I stare at him in awe.
He’s stunning. Such a gorgeous man.
His black suit looks molded to his broad shoulders and muscular chest. I just want to run my hands along his lapel. I want to be the one to fix his tie in the morning. I want to be the one who undresses him at night.
I feel a fluttering rippling through my body as he comes this way. He hasn’t seen me yet.
I’m not sure if he’s going to say hi or not. I saw my father lecturing him and I bet it was about me. My father is good at intimidating all sorts of strong powerful men—you don’t get to be a professional sports coach without that trait. I wonder what he said.
My father isn’t around now…
I’m going to talk to him.
“It was nice talking to you,” I say, smiling at Jane. “I’ll see you on the dance floor later?”
She smiles back. “Definitely. And good luck with Nolan.”
“What?” I say, snapping my head back to her. I feel my cheeks getting red.
She laughs. “Oh, don’t get all sunburnt on me. It was obvious with the way you were gawking at him with those big Pixar eyes.” She grins. “I’m rooting for you. Let me know if you need some backup. I can run interference with your dad.”
Is there anything this woman doesn’t catch?
“Thanks,” I say a little breathlessly. “I might take you up on that.”
I take a deep breath, puff out my chest a little, and make my way through the crowd toward him.
I’m so nervous, but I keep going.
My eyes zero in on his lips the closer I get. His mouth is so damn kissable. He has a five o’clock shadow, which suits him well. My fingers get all tingly while I imagine running my hands over his cheeks and pulling his mouth to mine.
“Excuse me,” I whisper as I pass around a couple, keeping my eyes on Nolan. His brown hair is all wavy like he styled it with his hands straight out of the shower.
He must feel the intensity of my gaze because his eyes suddenly dart over. His whole body goes still when he sees me approaching. He looks starstruck.
“Hello,” I shyly say as I arrive. “You must be Nolan Barlowe.”
I put my hand out and he looks down at it. My breath quickens as he reaches out and takes it in a firm grip. It’s the first time we’ve touched, but I can already tell it won’t be the last.
I reluctantly let go of that strong hand and take another quick breath.
“I’m Grace,” I say, hoping I don’t sound too nervous. “Coach Moss’ daughter.”
“Grace,” he whispers under his breath as he looks at me with a stunned expression, like he can’t quite believe his eyes. “I was hoping I’d get to meet you.”