Page 17 of Once Upon a Prince
“I’ve told you to call me Dax.”
“My supervisor trained me properly and I was taught to speak to you with respect,” she said.
She was throwing my words back at me and I was about to get annoyed when I could see the slightest smile on her face. Was she flirting with me? Teasing me? Telling me to shut up? I wasn’t sure.
“As you do. As you have from the first day we met, even if things were a little rocky at the beginning.”
“I hope I have proved myself to be a valuable employee and that the opinion of others about me should hopefully not deter me from continuing to do good work. I apologize if my outfits are an embarrassment to you or the company. I will do better.”
“The blouse you have is by Teemu Slide and I believe one of a kind. It’s Tanya who should be apologizing for having no basic understanding of color or fabric. Though I am wondering if you can afford such a blouse, perhaps I am paying you too much.”
“One of a kind?” Ella stammered.
“Did you not know that when you purchased it?”
“I borrowed it,” she stammered again.
Her father had run a successful business. She should have more than enough money to buy work clothes. I was more confused than before.
“From my roommate. She didn’t tell me it was from such a famous designer. Now I’m afraid something is going to happen to it. I’m rambling. Was there something else you needed from me?” Ella clearly didn’t want to talk about what had happened.
“You didn’t seem surprised by the women’s comments. What other comments have they made about you?”
“I have never met those women before,” Ella said.
“You’re a horrible liar but I will admire you not wanting to rat on anyone, even if they clearly do not deserve your protection.”
“I can handle myself and fight my own battles.”
“Clearly, you were doing so well with it when I arrived.” I took a sip of my Scotch. It was the better alternative than throwing it up against the wall in frustration.
I hated thinking that Ella or anyone, for that matter, had to deal with bullies. I certainly didn’t want it in my company. If I could find a way to stop it, I would. I just wish Ella was more helpful with it.
“They aren’t the first set of rude women I’ve had to deal with,” she said.
“Would you care to elaborate?”
“No,” she said and I laughed and then waited for her to continue. After a moment, she took a sip of her Scotch, and said, “You don’t remember much about me or my family, do you?”
“I was a teenager when I came down to see you. I hardly remember anything except that my father promised me I would see a bear and I didn’t.”
Ella laughed. “Nice. Yeah, there are no bears near where I used to live. I think I like your father even more now.”
“I’ll be sure to tell him that when I see him. You’re getting off the subject.”
“Soon after you and your father came to visit my dad and me, he got remarried. The woman had two daughters. My dad thought I would be lonely after my mother died and he always wanted me to have siblings. I was wary at first, but I tried to be optimistic about them. My dad seemed happy and I was happy for him.”
“I take it the daughters were your first foray with bullies?” I could easily see where this was going.
“Exactly. They didn’t like me, and they did everything they could to make my life miserable. I learned how to deal with them. They were some hard lessons, but because of them, I know how to handle Tanya and Diana. The best thing to do is to not give them any more ammunition or attention. Tanya is just lashing out.”
“What did you ever do to her?” I couldn’t imagine Ella doing anything to anyone that would warrant how the women were talking about her.
“I didn’t do anything directly to her. I think she was hoping she would get my job and didn’t take it too kindly when I got it instead.”
“Tanya can barely do the job she’s doing now. She would be horrible as my assistant and I would never even consider it. I have no idea why she would even think that was a possibility.” I downed the rest of my drink and walked over to refill it. When I had. I brought the bottle and refilled Ella’s glass. She didn’t protest or take her glass away, so I took it to mean she would like some more.