Page 26 of Once Upon a Prince
“Get back to me on who would be willing to say something against her and we can go from there. I’m sure Dax wouldn’t be happy to hear that she has been doing this to other people and want to put a stop to it. I can’t guarantee he would do anything but if anyone could, it would be the head of the company. Don’t you think?”
“That would be awesome. No one has had his ear before. It would be great if we could get rid of her and Diana.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” I said as Casey walked out of the elevator.
“Wonderful. I’ll get those names to you as soon as possible. Oh, and great outfit by the way. It looks amazing on you,” Casey said as the elevators closed.
I took a sip of my tea and couldn’t keep the smile off my face as I headed up to my office. The day was already turning out to be incredible and it had only started. Dax wasn’t in the office yet and I took extra time getting myself organized for the day. I was suddenly feeling nervous about seeing him.
Nothing had changed between us, at least nothing tangible. I was still his assistant; he was my boss. We worked well together and would continue to do so. But as I looked down at my new outfit and remembered how he had looked at me, I knew that things were different and had shifted between us. I just wasn’t sure if it was only in my head or if he felt it too.
It would be inappropriate for me to get involved with my boss, especially as it was his father who had gotten me the job. I didn’t want to be just another woman that Dax was with but I also knew I couldn’t deny my attraction to him any longer. Though maybe I was the only one who was feeling it and when I saw him things would be as they had always been between us.
“Good morning,” Dax said and startled me from my thoughts.
I looked up and almost toppled over my tea. I quickly recovered but not before I could feel my cheeks getting hot with embarrassment. Dax was kind enough not to say anything but he tilted his head slightly as he stood in front of me.
“Good morning. Have a nice weekend?” I asked.
“Yes. Lovely. Got to spend some time with Anna. You?”
“Hung with my roommate and a friend. They had a good time looking at my new loot.”
“I’m sure they did. Did you have fun showing it off? I’m happy to see you wearing one today.”
“Yes, we all had fun and they were certainly jealous of what you got for me.”
“You should take it as a compliment of your good taste,” he countered.
“Not mine, Garrett was the one who picked the outfits.”
“But you made the final decision. You make excellent choices, including this one.”
“Thank you. Trenton dropped off that report you were asking for,” I said and held up an envelope.
“Excellent,” Dax said.
I wanted to get off the subject of my clothes and back to my job. He was being nothing but his normal professional and cordial self. Any thoughts that he might be interested in me were purely in my head and the sooner we got back to being exactly what we had always been and always would be, the better off I would be. I wanted to work and put everything behind me. Mentioning Trenton gave me an opening I was looking for. But I knew I still had one more thing I needed to tell him before I could.
“Um, I saw Tanya get coffee this morning and she gave me a very cold shoulder. Nothing happened, but Casey noticed and we ended up talking about her. Apparently, there might be a few other people who have dealt with Tanya and her charm. Casey thinks she might be able to get a few people together who would be willing to talk about how they were treated by her. If she does, would you be willing to talk to them?”
I knew Dax hadn’t liked what Tanya had done to me. I wasn’t sure if that meant that he would do anything or if he was just saying it. Here was a chance for him to make a difference and I waited to see what he would say.
“Yes. I want to know if anyone is being unfairly treated in my company no matter who they are. I hate hearing that it has happened to you much less that there is a pattern. I will call Casey myself right now. Can you give me about ten minutes to talk to her and look over this and then can you come into my office?”
“Sure.” I hadn’t expected him to be so proactive but I was glad he was.
“Good. I have a few things I want to discuss about Buenos Aires.”
“Certainly,” I said but didn’t meet his eyes. With the excitement of the shopping, we hadn’t had a chance to discuss the trip. I had been all set to say yes, thinking that we could and would be professional with each other while we were gone. Now, I wasn’t so sure and by the look he was giving me, he didn’t think so either.
Chapter 16
“Thank you, Casey, for talking to Ella about this. When you have the information, please forward it to me and Trent. I want to be looped in on this but do think that Trent will be the best to handle this going forward. I will talk to him once you have all the names. I understand if they want to remain anonymous and we can work to make that happen,” I said to Casey.
“Mr. Moore. Thank you for listening to us. It really means a lot.”