Page 28 of Once Upon a Prince
I tilted my head and looked at her. I needed her to acknowledge that she agreed with me before I could continue.
“Yes, there is something between us,” she said.
“Good. I am attracted to you. The fact that we work together does add a slight problem.”
“Do you think that will be solved by us going to a different country together?”
“No, but it will make things less awkward, or hopefully take the pressure off.”
“You think I will feel more at ease if I’m in a foreign country with you and go to a charity event as our first, what, date?”
“Okay, when you put it that way, maybe not. It’s something that I would like to do, it’s something I would like to do with you. It isn’t ideal as a first date but it does allow us to spend time together and see what this is and what we want it to be.
“There are too many things pulling us in different directions when we are here. If we were to spend time in Buenos Aires together, it would allow us to see what we are. Just us. Not as a boss and assistant but as two people who are attracted to each other. I don’t want to have to think about the next meeting, or having to get into the office, or anything else when I’m with you. I want it to be about us and only us.
“I think if we were to go to this event, to have this time away from all the other obligations in our life, it would give us a perspective we could never have otherwise. Plus, who wouldn’t want to get all dressed up and hang out with a handsome man?” I teased.
“Seriously, I want you to go. I can’t think of another person I would want to go with than you. I think you would have a good time, at least I hope you will. I understand if you don’t want to go and if you don’t, we can pretend this never happened. But if you are feeling even a part of the attraction that I am feeling, you deserve to give us this chance.
“What do you say?” I asked.
She didn’t answer me right away but I could see that she wanted to go. I admired her not immediately saying yes but I wanted her to not only say yes, but run into my arms after she did. She was too reserved, too in control of herself and her emotions to do that. I would have to be happy with the thought that hopefully, in a few short days, she would be in my arms.
Slowly, she stood up, put her notebook down, and stood right in front of me. Our eyes met and I could see her answer in her eyes. Still, I wanted to hear her say it. I needed to hear her say it.
With a soft smile she said, “Yes. I would love to go to Buenos Aires with you. I would like to go to this ball with you. Though, I might need to check with my boss that it’s okay to take the time off. I just started my job.”
I reached down and took her hands in mine and gave them a soft squeeze. The heat and spark were there as it always was. It only reaffirmed how much I wanted her and wanted to see what we could be. “I’m sure he’ll understand. I hear he’s a bit of a tyrant but I’m sure you can convince him to let you go.”
“You think I could do that? You think I would have that much pull with him?”
“Oh, you have no idea how much pull you have over him,” I said with a laugh.
“Really?” she asked and blushed.
“Yes. Yes, you do.” I stepped closer to her and moved my hands to her hips. She put her hands on my forearms and looked at me expectantly. I wanted nothing more than to bend my head down and kiss her, but I knew I couldn’t. Yet, I found myself moving my mouth so it was inches from hers. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth slightly. I felt the heat of her lips next to mine.
It took everything in me not to press my lips up against hers but instead, I said, “To be continued, in Buenos Aires.”
I dropped my hands from her hips and took a step back. I had the satisfaction of seeing Ella sway a little as she opened her eyes. They locked on mine and the heat and desire I saw looking back at me almost took my breath away.
“Until Buenos Aires,” she repeated.
Chapter 17
“Buenos Aires? You never said anything about going to Buenos Aires with him,” Ara said and exchanged looks with Layla.
We were sitting at Henry’s, a local wine bar near Laya’s work. A charcuterie plate sat between us while I drank a Chardonnay, Layla was enjoying a Rose, and Ara sipped on a Bordeaux blend. They had slowly been introducing me to more wine and I found I liked the soft buttery flavor of a Chardonnay. Ara kept trying to get me to drink the Bordeaux blends she liked, but so far, I hadn’t been able to find one that didn’t make my jaw tighten.
“I wasn’t sure if I was going to go. I wasn’t even sure if I should,” I admitted.
“What changed your mind? Like we don’t already know,” Ara said.
“Getting to spend time with Dax did factor into it.” I said and could feel myself blushing.
“Is your passport current? Are you able to go?” Layla asked.