Page 43 of Once Upon a Prince
Ella looked over her shoulder at me and smiled. I could tell what she was thinking as I was thinking the same thing. I walked up and put my arms around her, she leaned into me.
“We might have to look into that the next time we’re here. It really is a wonderful spot. It now holds some special memories for me,” I said.
Ella dropped her head down and even though I couldn’t see her face I had a feeling she was blushing. If Jaime noticed he didn’t say anything.
“Thank you so much for a wonderful day. We should be getting going. We have plans this evening,” I said and reached over and shook Jaime’s hand.
“It was our pleasure. Please have a safe drive home,” Jaime said.
“We will,” Ella said and shook his hand.
I waited for her to turn around toward me and I took her hand in mine as we walked back to the waiting car. Once inside, I moved closer to Ella and she leaned in toward me. I put my head on top of hers and closed my eyes, enjoying the moment of having her in my arms.
“Thank you for joining me today,” I said.
“I think I’m the one who should be thanking you,” Ella said and tilted her head to look up at me. She had a devilish smile on her face and I bent down and kissed her.
“The pleasure was all mine. I hope that is just a preview of how things will go this evening,” I said when we broke free.
Ella let out a soft sigh and leaned her head back against her chair. “I would like that very much.”
I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as I drove us back to our hotel. I had hoped that spending time with Ella would go well. I hadn’t counted on it going so well, or wanting to have more time for us alone.
“It seems unfair that we have to go back tomorrow,” I said after a few minutes.
“Well, we do have work we need to get back to,” Ella said.
“Do we?”
Ella turned in her seat to look at me. “What are you suggesting?”
“Well, I am the boss and I really don’t want to go back to New York yet. If you were willing, I was thinking we could spend a few more days here.”
“You have meetings, appointments, lunches. I have budget meetings I need to help run.”
“All things we can do virtually. We don’t have to physically be in the meetings. Call me selfish but I’m not ready for the trip to end just yet. Not when the good stuff has just started.” My eyes roamed over her body as I spoke.
“It would take some work but if you’re okay with it we could. There are a few in person meetings you would need to reschedule. I can just say your business in Buenos Aires took longer than you thought and will be staying a couple more days.”
“See,” I said and moved forward to kiss her neck. “I was sure you would figure out how to make it work.”
Ella smiled at me and asked, “With an offer like this, how could I refuse?”
“I was hoping it would be enticing enough that you wouldn’t,” I said.
We soon arrived at the hotel and hand in hand we rode up to our rooms together. When we got to my floor, I was reluctant to leave her. I pulled Ella into one more kiss and whispered, “I’ll see you in a few hours.”
“I’ll be waiting,” she said and with one more kiss I went to my room.
As I walked into my room, I saw I had missed a call from Trent. I quickly called him back.
“Hey, sorry to bother you on the weekend but I thought you would want to know how things were progressing with Tanya and Diana,” Trent said.
“You can always call me whenever you need to. Have there been any new developments?”
“I was able to get some outside help to deal with this. Having staff in our Human Resources department harassing our employees made it not only a logistical nightmare but a potential PR one as well.”
“What did they tell you?” I asked.