Page 47 of Once Upon a Prince
“Thank you, Dax. For this, for everything. I’m so looking forward to the next few days with you.” Her smile could have lit up the room and I got lost in the blue of her eyes. She looked so happy, so beautiful that I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to have her in my life.
“Me too,” I said, my voice a little hoarse.
“We’re ready for you,” Enrique said from the door leading to the balcony.
I took Ella’s hand in mine and we walked outside. Enrique was right, it was the perfect evening to eat al fresco. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the humidity of the day had left, leaving a soft breeze in its wake. I could see a few stars in the sky and knew when the fireworks started, we would have a wonderful view.
The table had been set up beautifully with the chairs near each other so we could look out onto the night. I helped Ella to her seat as Enrique came over and poured us a glass of white wine.
“This is a lovely Torrontes, one of our most famous grapes in all of Argentina. This bottle comes from my family’s vineyard. You should taste some floral notes along with the tropic in which it is made. It should pair nicely with the vegetarian empanadas you will be starting with.”
This staff stood behind Ella and me and lifted the silver cover that was over our dishes. Ella let out a happy laugh as she looked at the empanadas.
“It almost looks too good to eat,” she said.
“Thank you, miss, but please do and enjoy,” Enrique said.
Enrique stepped aside and let us enjoy the moment. The wine as he said was incredible and did pair well with the empanadas. The meal passed quickly in a blur of wine, laughter, and great food. Ella enjoyed every minute of it and I loved being able to sit next to her and share it with her. I had many meals in Argentina but this one was my favorite. Not only because the food and wine were amazing but the company was the best I ever had.
“So, the three of you stayed friends all these years?” I asked Ella.
“Yes. I don’t know what I would have done without Ara and Layla in my life. They were like a lifeline at times. They were the ones who gave me the courage to come to New York.”
“Personally. I’m very glad they did,” I leaned closer to her and she smiled at me.
We had finished the meal and Enrique and his staff had quietly left us alone. Enrique had planned the meal perfectly so that as we finished the fireworks had started. We were lingering over a nice bottle of Malbec that we had enjoyed with Matambre arrollado, or stuffed flank steak. I was pleasantly full and content with how the evening went. I had been enjoying my time with Ella, I didn’t want it to end.
“Me too. If they hadn’t. I wouldn’t have met you or been enjoying this wonderful country.” She smiled at me and her eyes lingered on my lips. Need filled me. I wanted her, I had walked into the room wanting her, but I didn’t want to rush Ella, but by her look she didn’t feel like I was rushing her.
“What do you want to do tomorrow? I was thinking we could see the city. I could show you some of the sites, maybe see if we can find a market? They have great local artists that do some incredible work,” I said.
“That sounds lovely. As long as I get to spend more time with you and see the city, I don’t care what we do. I have a feeling whatever you have planned will be wonderful. Do you have any other plans for tonight?” she asked.
I could tell she was a little tipsy from the wine and it was making her bolder than normal. I liked seeing her eyes get heavy with desire as they lingered over my lips. I wanted the night to end with us in bed together but I didn’t want to push her.
“There were no plans actually. The evening can go however you want it to.”
“Any way I want?” she asked.
“I’m sure you know how I would like the rest of the evening to go, but I’m not the one making the decision.”
Ella put her napkin on the table and stood up. I followed her lead and stood in front of her. I watched mesmerized as she took my hands in hers.
“Dax, I want it to end the same way.”
I knew what she was saying in those words, with that look. My hands went to her hips moving her closer. She went willingly and slid her hands to my forearms. I wanted to bring my arms around her. I wanted to pull her to me, but I had to be sure. I needed to know she wanted this as much as I did.
“Are you sure?” I asked.
“Yes, Dax. I have never been surer of anything in my life. Kiss me, hold me, make love to me,” she said breathlessly.
Her words, the look of pure excitement and wonder on her face were everything I wanted to see and hear. I wrapped my arms around her and pushed her up against me. Her hands went to my shoulder and pulled me closer to her. Her mouth opened and I dove my tongue inside her mouth. I had the satisfaction of hearing her moan deep in the back of her throat as our tongues danced around each other.
She felt perfect in my arms. It had been incredible to kiss her and play with her earlier in the day, but I knew it could only go so far. Now, I knew there was no stopping us or enjoying each other for the rest of the night.
Her body molded perfectly around mine. She opened her legs ever so slightly so I could nestle between them. Her hips moved over me and I moaned. Her mouth and tongue were skilled and turned me on as much as her body did. I had never wanted a woman as much as I wanted her. My hands moved down her back and to her ass, giving it a good squeeze and pushing her even closer to me. She laughed into my mouth and I smiled. She was driving me crazy and I had a feeling she knew she was.
“Ella,” I sighed as I broke the kiss and moved my mouth down to her neck. I kissed and licked her skin before moving over to her ear and sucking on the lobe. Ella squirmed next to me and tightened her hold on my shoulders. She tilted her head back, giving me better access to her.