Page 25 of Once Upon a Beast
“Oh, really? Then how do you remember it?” she asked.
I didn’t answer her but twirled her around the dance floor. The question was more loaded than she knew. I tensed up as I thought about being the young boy who was realizing he had feelings for his best friend. I had been too scared to tell her then. I had been working up the courage to tell her years later but I had lost that chance too.
There had been countless times that I had missed with Layla and I didn’t want to lose anymore. The moment felt so right that I decided to take a risk. I pulled her closer to me and bent down so that I could whisper in her ear. “I remember that I had the biggest crush on you and all I wanted to do was find a way to dance with you. You, however, were interested in Brandon Soto and practically ignored me.”
Layla laughed again and shook her head. She was smiling at me as if she thought I was teasing her again. “You did not!”
“I did. I had a crush on you then and all through high school. Time and circumstances might have kept us apart. It might have changed some things but not everything.” I leaned away from Layla so that I could look directly in her eyes. I wanted her to have little doubt as to the sincerity of what I was saying. “You were the most beautiful woman I’d ever known then and you still are now. Yes, I had a crush on you then, and I have every day since.”
Chapter 14
The song ending and everyone applauding prevented me from saying anything to Nic. I wasn’t sure what I would have said if I had a chance. It had been wonderful to be in his arms, to feel his breath against my neck, to know the pressure of his hand in mine, to hear the deep sound of his laugh. But the last thing I had expected was for those words to come out of his mouth.
After the little hiccup when we had come in, we had enjoyed a nice evening. He had been charming, funny, and engaging with everyone. I had forgotten how many people I knew or would need to talk to and had been worried how Nic would handle it. He had been the perfect date and fiancé. He smiled and talked to everyone, complimenting me in just the right way, and in general looking like the sexy and charming man he was.
I had almost been disappointed that we hadn’t had any time to be alone. I thought he felt the same way when he asked me to dance. I wanted to have a few moments of just us, to talk and work on our friendship. As the evening wore on, I could see how we could make this work. We made a good team and I was hopeful that when this was all over, we could be friends.
Then he had to go and ruin it all by making some ridiculous joke about having a crush on me when we were younger. I had no idea what to do with that information or what he was trying to accomplish. There was no way that he was serious; he had to have been making a joke. Too bad I didn’t find it funny at all.
I couldn’t look at him after we stepped away from each other and clapped for the band. A deep purple flash caught my eye and I looked over to see Ara walking by the dance floor. Before Nic could say anything, I said, “Oh, there’s Ara. I should say hi.” I walked away from him and stood in front of Ara.
“What are you doing talking to me when you looked so cozy on the dance floor with your man?” Ara asked, then looked at me and added, “What happened?”
“I need a drink,”
“Coming right up.” Ara took my arm and steered me towards the nearest bar. “Two shots of tequila please,” she said to the bartender.
“I don’t drink tequila,” I said.
“You look like you need to tonight. What happened? Is he being a tyrant? Do I need to get you out of here? Is my explosive diarrhea acting up?” Ara asked in a soft whisper.
“Thank you,” I said to the bartender and downed my shot before Ara could even get to hers. She eyed me but didn’t say anything, took her shot, and then signaled that we wanted another. Normally, I would have told her no, but I didn’t object at all. I needed the liquid courage.
“Let’s get some fresh air,” Ara said when we had done the second shot.
“Please,” I said and we went out onto the terrace.
It was a chilly evening and there weren’t many people outside. Ara walked over to a corner as far away from anyone else and then turned to look at me. “What happened? Did Nic do something to you? Do I need to kick his ass? I’ll do it, just give me the word.”
“No, not exactly. The evening was going well. He was very charming, sweet, funny. We were having a good time,”
“Until?” Ara look was a combination of concern and anger.
“It’s stupid. I have no idea why I’m freaking out. He had to have been joking, we had been teasing each other earlier. It would make sense that he was. It’s the only thing that makes sense.”
“What did he say or do? I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what happened,” Ara prodded.
“Nic told me that I was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and that he had a crush on me when we were younger and he still does.” I blurted out the words as quickly as I could. As soon as they were out, I wanted to take them back. Of course, it was ridiculous.
“That tracks.” Ara nodded.
“Are you serious? He had to be joking. He can’t mean it. He must have gotten caught in the moment or thought he was with someone else. That doesn’t track at all.”
“Did you see how he looked at you when he first saw you in your dress?”
“I don’t remember.” I had been so nervous all I had seen was that Nic looked sexy.