Page 56 of Once Upon a Beast
Layla smiled and squeezed my hand back. “I know that feeling. I’m almost tempted to call out sick to work tomorrow.”
I turned to look at her. “Would you?”
Layla laughed. “I was joking but now I’m not. I shouldn’t. I can’t. We have a department meeting tomorrow and I need to attend.”
She sounded disappointed. I was. I had never thought she would consider not coming into work to spend time with me, but I liked that she had.
“Maybe we can plan a day for you to be sick. One where you don’t have a department meeting.”
“One shouldn’t plan on being sick,” Layla countered.
“Okay. Then maybe I’ll just have to find a way to convince you one morning to stay with me in my bed all day.”
“How is it that I’m in your bed when this happens?” She turned her head and smiled up at me.
“Oh, because that’s where most of my fantasies and thoughts about you start, or end. With you in my bed, with me, naked.”
“Is that so?” Layla leaned into me and pushed her body against mine.
I unwrapped my hand from hers and put it over her shoulder, pulling her close to me. “Does it surprise you that my mind goes that way? It really is all your fault. You’re one amazing lover and I can’t wait to get you home so I can show you just how much I appreciate you.”
“I’d ask what you’re thinking but I’m afraid that you will tell me and I don’t want anyone to overhear you.”
“That’s okay. I’m sure you can think of a few things I might want to do.” I glided my hand down and squeezed her ass.
“Nicodemus!” She cried as she squirmed away from me.
I wasn’t deterred. I moved towards her and wrapped my arms around her. “You drive me crazy when you say my name like that.”
“In annoyance and exasperation? What is wrong with you?” She didn’t move away from me but the look she gave me told me she was both excited and a bit annoyed by my actions.
“Nothing is wrong if I have you in my arms. You say my name with the slightest sigh at the end and it makes me want to kiss you until you can’t see straight.”
“Anytime you kiss me, I can’t see straight.” Layla laughed as she moved closer to me.
I wrapped my arms around her and tightened my hold as I said, “The feeling is mutual.” I brought my mouth towards hers. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to run my hands down her ass and press her up against me but Layla wasn’t one who would like public displays of affection, at least not like that.
“Come home with me,” I whispered, my mouth a breath from hers.
“I thought that was where we were going,” Layla said.
“You are, but I want you to stay longer.”
“Do you mean like tonight?” Layla leaned back. Her eyes searched my face as if she was looking for something.
“I mean it when I said I don’t want this weekend to end. I don’t want you to leave me.”
Layla reached up and put her hand on my chest. “Nic, I’m not going anywhere.”
I hadn’t meant my words to have so much meaning but they did. My mother had left me, my father had betrayed me. I had pushed all my friends away including her. I had no one in my life besides her and her father. I had closed myself off from allowing myself to be vulnerable to anyone. Yet, all it took was a few weeks with Layla for all that to change. I needed her in my life, more so than I ever thought was possible. If I lost her, I didn’t know what I would do. I hadn’t meant to be so honest with her, nor for her to understand so much in my statement.
Once the words were out, I wanted to say more. I wanted her to know all of me and if that meant I had to be honest and vulnerable, I would. “Good. Then stay with me. Make a home with me. Make my home yours.”
“Are you asking me to move in with you?” Layla asked.
I could see the astonishment on her face. I worried that I had said too much, but I knew it was right. I didn’t want her to go back to her place tonight. I didn’t want to wake up and not have her there. I wanted her to come home to me, tonight and every night. I wanted every moment I could have with Layla and the best way to do that was if we lived together.
“We could get a different place if you want. I could move into yours, but I think it might be a bit small. Mine has a little bit more room.”