Page 15 of Once Upon a Star
I could see the understanding in his eyes but I could see the trepidation too. This was a big deal to him, even if he didn’t want me to know it. Seeing that he was a little nervous made me feel better. It didn’t take the nervousness away but it did make it easier to bear. He had done that for me so much in my life; how could I have forgotten that?
“You have to buy the second round,” I said in response.
Bash’s smile grew bigger. “If that means there’s going to be a second round, then I’ll buy you whatever you want,” he said.
With his comment, his smile, and his look, it was easy to reach out and put my hand in his. It was as if my body had decided what was going to happen before my mind did. Bash looked a little surprised when I took his hand but he smiled and gave it a slight squeeze.
I should have expected the jolt. I should have expected the pull. It had been there since we were teenagers. Why would distance or time change that? My eyes shot up to Bash’s and by the look in his eyes, he had felt the same thing.
His easy, friendly smile turned to one of seduction as he ran his thumb along the top of my hand. I shivered involuntarily and he squeezed my hand again. His hazel eyes got a little darker when he did. Attraction, desire, and basic sexual need came over me in waves.
With considerable effort, I looked away from him. He kept my hand in his and I didn’t try to take it away. I thought about it. The feeling of his skin touching mine was almost too much to bear. It reminded me of all the other times we had touched, kissed, and done so much more.
The feeling lingered as we walked into the bar and Bash kept his hand in mine. I took a deep breath as we did. I didn’t know what was going to happen but whatever it was, it was going to be an interesting evening.
Chapter 9
Ara and I had been too young to have a drink legally together. Yet, it somehow felt right, easy, and something we had always done as I sat next to her in McCarthy’s. The bar was typical of New York City Irish pubs. The sound of traditional Irish music played in the background and I could smell the distinct aroma of pub food coming from the back, along with the occasional curse. The bar was done in a dark brown wood with stools in front. There were pictures of rugby players and the Irish countryside scattered on the wall as well as neon signs of the beers on tap, including Guinness, Harp, and Smithwick’s
The place wasn’t well lit, which I was a fan of. It allowed me to sit, enjoy, have a beer, and hopefully not get recognized. I didn’t want a repeat of what happened outside of Ara’s work. I didn’t think anyone would know me at the bar, or at least they wouldn’t say anything. It had that vibe that everyone was welcome and they weren’t going to judge. It helped that the bar was so far away from my apartment and the theater, no one would expect to find me there.
I arrived early. I didn't want to be late and I wanted to see how it looked and if there was a place in the corner we could talk and not be disturbed. The atmosphere was so easy and relaxing and I found myself sitting at the bar talking to Jack, the bartender, instead. He was friendly, without being intrusive. He gave me a look like he knew who I was but didn’t make a comment. It turned out he was a hockey fan and we discussed the prospects of our respective teams. Luckily, our teams weren’t in the same division so it didn’t get too heated, but it was still a fun conversation.
Even as we talked, I kept looking at the door and the window, trying to see the moment that Ara arrived. Jack didn’t seem to mind and kept up an easy conversation as he filled drinks and I looked toward the door.
“Ah, so that’s who you've been waiting for. I can see why you’re so excited,” Jack said when Ara arrived outside the bar.
“Yeah,” I said with a sigh.
Jack walked to the edge of the bar and bent down so he could see her better. “Are you sure she feels the same way about you? Looks like she isn’t sure if she wants to come in.”
“She’ll be in. I’m sure,” I said slowly.
Ara had agreed to meet me. She had sounded confident when we had finalized the plans in her boss’s office. She wasn’t one who changed her mind or had second thoughts. As I waited for her to come inside, I couldn’t be sure what she was doing. Jack and I sat and watched her for a few more minutes before he said, “Dude, I don’t think she’s coming in.”
“Oh, she’ll come in,” I said, more positive than I felt.
Jack knocked on the table and had me looking over at him. “I know people, especially women. That one’s about to bail.”
“No, she isn’t,” I said.
Wanna bet?” he asked, a smug look on his face.
His look wasn’t as smug when I walked back inside with Ara’s hand in mine. It felt good to have it there. Like it was right, that it belonged there, that it should always be there. I hadn’t been big on holding her hand when we were younger. I hadn’t realized how much I missed it or what a great, yet simple thing it could be. It was just one of many things I promised to do more with Ara.
“So, what will it be?” Jack asked as we approached the bar.
Reluctantly, I let go of Ara’s so I could pull out her chair. “Is it okay if we sit here?” I asked.
“I think it is required,” Jack said.
Ara stood in front of her stool and said “Ara,” to Jack and held out her hand.
“Charmed, but you can call me Jack,” he said and kissed Ara’s hand.
I pushed down the jealousy that threatened to come to the surface. Jack was being friendly. I had wanted to have a casual atmosphere with Ara. Jack was helping achieve that goal. Still, I didn’t like his lips touching her skin or the smile that she gave him.