Page 48 of Once Upon a Star
“I want to say yes, that I had this figured out from the moment I picked you up, but no. I had no preconceived notions. I hoped we would talk, I hoped we would clear the air. I wished we would start getting back to how we had been together. I had not counted on it going so well, but I’m certainly glad it did. This is only the beginning for us. I want more of this, more of us, more of everything.”
“Me too. Why don’t you come here so I can show you just how much,” I said and pulled him to me.
Chapter 27
“You know, we could just stay here. I’m sure Grace would give us jobs. You would be a great counselor, or camp doctor. I could run the arts department. Maybe do some theater with the kids,” I teased Ara.
“This place is a summer camp, what would we do the rest of the time?” Ara asked.
I snuggled in closer to her on the bed and kissed her neck. “I’m sure we could think of something.”
She wrapped her arms around me and let out a soft sigh. I could hear the longing and the regret in that sigh. She didn’t want our time to be over any more than I did. We had been awake for a little while and I had made love to her slowly, as if we had all the time in the world. I wanted to push back leaving as long as possible. Ara was just as reluctant but she wasn’t as keen on my solutions to stay.
“That would be wonderful but it might make it difficult to do things like eat and have electricity,” she said.
“We would figure it out. You could be the local doctor during the off season and I could open a small theater. I could work with kids and then have them work with me over the summer,” I suggested.
Ara stretched and I was captivated by seeing her breasts on full display. I was so distracted I didn’t understand she was getting out of bed until she was out of it. “It’s a wonderful dream but it’s back to reality for us. If I don’t get back to my residency, I can never be that great doctor you think I’m going to be.”
I rolled and put my hand under my chin as I looked at her. “Why do you have to bring logic into this situation?”
“One of us has to. Care to save time and shower with me?” she asked.
We both knew it wasn’t going to save any time but I wasn’t going to bring that up to her. “Race you there,” I said and got out of bed.
It was much later that we packed up my car and were heading back to New York City. The traffic was light and I kept an easy pace as much because I didn’t want to rush back to the city. I reached over and took her hand. She let me and squeezed it back. I didn’t look over at her but I could feel her smiling at me.
“What?” I asked.
“Nothing. I just like having you taking my hand,” she said.
“Well, considering it’s the safest thing I can do with your hand while I’m driving, it seems safest.”
Ara laughed and squeezed my hand again. “I’m sure I could find something to do with you.”
I turned my head and saw that she was being perfectly honest. I thought about what she was offering and seriously considered it. I brought her hand to my mouth and kissed it.
“That is one hell of an offer but running us off the road doesn’t seem like a good idea. And while I would consider stopping at the rest stop for a little fun. I probably shouldn’t have any pictures of me and you on social media in a compromising position.”
“Fair enough,” Ara said and looked out onto the road.
I kissed her hand again before I brought it back down to my lap. “That doesn’t mean I won’t be thinking of all the fun things we can do when I get you back to your place,”
“You were planning on staying over?” she asked.
I looked over at her and I couldn’t tell if she was teasing me or not. “I was hoping to. But if you want your space, I can respect that. Or you can come to mine.”
“No. I would like you there. I want you there. I just never thought about how it would work out. I do have to be at work early tomorrow morning. What is your schedule like?”
“I need to check in with Isla to see. I can come over tomorrow or something. How about I pick you up after work, grab some dinner, and then stay over. If that’s okay? It would give you a night to yourself before I invade your life completely,” I teased.
“Is that what you’re planning on doing? Invading my life completely?”
I looked over at Ara to see her smiling at me. She liked the idea and it made my heart swell to see she was as committed to us being together as I was.
“If you will let me. I waited a long time to get you back in my life. I’m not ready to let you go. I want to spend as much time with you as I can. It might be a little hard with me working late and if you have early shifts, but we’ll figure it out. I want to make it work.”