Page 54 of Once Upon a Star
It was strange and somehow right that I wasn’t. I didn’t doubt Bash, nor his love and commitment to me. I didn’t know what he was going to do but whatever it was, I wanted to support him.
Traffic was heavy as I headed to midtown and the theater. I wasn’t sure why Bash had wanted me to meet him there but I didn’t care. I would have met him anywhere if it meant I was going to get the answers I needed.
It was late when I pulled in front of the theater and all the shows had let out for the night. The lights were not on for the marquee but there was still some light along the front. I stood outside for a few minutes, expecting to see Bash come to me. When he didn’t, I tried the door to the theater and was surprised to find it open.
I walked into the lobby area with the box office on one side and posters of past shows on the other. There were three doors that led into the theater; I went and pulled on the middle one and it opened.
It was dark inside the theater except for a few lights on at the stage. I could see Bash and another woman talking. I couldn’t see them very well so I walked closer to them. As I did, I could overhear some of what they were saying.
“This is crazy,” the woman said.
“Imagine how it would be if it worked,” Bash said.
“It’s your money. It’s your reputation. I will do whatever I can, but understand this has about as much chance of succeeding as the last play did,” the woman said.
“What is the point of life if not to take some risks?” Bash asked.
“You think this could work?” she asked.
“There’s only one way to find out. Are you in?” Bash asked.
The woman crossed her arms and looked at Bash for a second. “Sure, why not. Draw up the paperwork and we can go from there.” She then turned to look over at me.
“Hello,” I said sheepishly and waved my hand.
“You’re here,” Bash said, as if he was surprised to see me.
“Yes. And you must be Isla?” I asked as I walked toward them.
“And you must be Ara.” She jumped down from the stage and pulled me into a bear hug. “I’m so happy to meet you. Bash won’t stop talking about you.”
“Really?” I smiled over at Bash.
“What can I say? You’re my favorite subject to talk about.”
“I thought that was yourself,” I teased.
“Oh, she does know you well,” Isla said and stepped back. “Bash and I were just talking about a new business venture, but I have a feeling he’s going to want to tell you all about it. I will leave you two alone.”
She turned to look at Bash. “I expect to see you bright and early tomorrow morning. We have a lot of work to do.”
“Yes ma’am,” Bash said and nodded at her.
“Have a good night. It was lovely meeting you, Ara.”
“You too,” I said as she walked away from us.
I waited until she was gone before saying to Bash. “She seems like a force of nature.”
“You have no idea.”
“So, what’s this business venture that she was talking about and why did you have me come here in the middle of the night?” I asked.
Bash didn’t answer me but walked off the stage and stood in front of me. I didn’t say anything as he took my hands and brought them to his mouth. I could see the shock on his face that I was there. It was as if he didn’t believe that I would have come to see him.
“I love you,” he said.
It shouldn’t have been a shock. I knew he did. He had told me before. I had seen it in everything he had done, how we had been, and how he looked at me. Still, hearing him say the words after what had been going on, was more magical than I thought. I knew he was saying so much more than those three words. He was telling me how much he appreciated me, how much he knew what it had taken for me to believe and stand by him, and how much it meant that I had. I squeezed his hands and smiled at him. “I love you, too,” I said.