Page 27 of Say It Again
“You precious, precious thing,” he whispered into Daniels mouth, then bent down, caught him by his waist, and slung his little body over his shoulder, making him squeal all raspy and cute. He slapped his ass and started for the stairs. “I only have so much gentleman in me.”
DANIEL YELPED when Aaron flung him onto his bed, tossing him down like the sack of sex-fiend potatoes he was. It barely had time to register that it smelled better than expected—orris butter and expensive suede—before he was scrambling back off it to undress Aaron.
“I want you to promise me something,” Aaron said as Daniel tried to work his sweater off for him. He should probably not stretch it or rip it to shreds like he wanted. People who could afford cashmere likely frowned upon that kind of thing. “I want you to promise you’ll answer your phone tomorrow.”
“Boy, what a ridiculous thing to say to me—off! Sorry.” He took a breath. “I didn’t mean to yell, but you must take this off before I lose my mind.”
Aaron chuckled as he gracefully pulled the sweater overhead, which had an annoying undershirt beneath it. “I don’t want to be someone you only talk to at one a.m., but never during the day. I’m done being that.”
“I’m so into you I could scream. I might. I might actually start screaming.”
Aaron unbuckled his belt in slow motion, or it was probably regular motion, but it needed to be about twenty times faster if anyone cared about Daniel’s opinion. “And like you said, we’d planned to take it slower than this.”
“Don’t you love it when plans change? I personally love a good, modified plan.”
Aaron stepped out of his jeans to reveal midnight blue boxer briefs that just worked. They worked so hard. “But I know what I want. It’s not to be someone’s occasional hookup.”
Daniel had to halt. God, someone had done a number on this man. Someone, maybe more than one person, had genuinely hurt him. Which, what? It made no sense, but whoever it was deserved to be cursed with bad sex for a year.
“Jesus, okay.” He swatted his hands around the air. “I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but stop undressing and listen to me.”
Aaron froze.
“You are a spectacular catch, Aaron. Not only are you caring, but you’re witty, and talented, and wildly successful—and I’m really trying to name things that have nothing to do with how you look, but I’m only human—you’re stunning too. I’m shocked you’ve had the kind of luck you’ve had with guys, but my only guess is that you’ve dated assholes who don’t deserve your time. Who don’t deserve to hear you play the piano.”
Aaron’s mouth curled into the most sheepish grin possible.
“I wasn’t joking when I said you’re never getting rid of me. You’re lucky I don’t put a fucking tracker on you—why are you smiling at that? Don’t smile at that.” He couldn’t help but smile too. “You shouldn’t indulge my crazy. It’ll only make it worse.”
Aaron exhaled a chuckle.
“I’m into you, mister. I’m going to answer your call tomorrow, and the one after that, and the one after that, because I’m so into you. Okay?”
Aaron’s shoulders softened a bit with his nod.
“Now, if we’re done with the whole I like you; I like you too business, come stand right here”—he positioned Aaron by the soft light of the lamp—“so that I might objectify the shit out of you.”
He stepped back and chewed his thumbnail as Aaron tugged his shirt overhead, and whatever generic image he’d been using in his mind for Aaron’s body tucked its tail and retreated to its cave as the troll it was. Dear Aphrodite, goddess of horny, this man was art.
The V-cut lines just above his hips were even more pronounced than the muscles funneling into them, and then, speaking of muscles, the serrated blades of his rib cage—the ones people often overlooked but gave such depth to a fellow’s torso—didn’t disappoint. Neither did all that perfect, perfect skin. It was apparent he worked for it, but Daniel was the one cashing in. What a blessed day.
“Lie down,” Aaron said, unclasping his watch. “Open your mouth.”
The hairs on Daniel’s arms stood in salute. Oh. He hadn’t expected both hot and straightforward, and he stumbled a little at how to respond. “Right now?”
“Lie down on the bed,” Aaron calmly repeated, tipping his chin toward the bed. “Open your mouth.”
So, right now it was. Daniel failed at composed and nonchalant with the air he caught on his leap to the bed, but he made up for it by draping himself sensually over a pillow. Oh, but dammit, he was still wearing pants, so he scrambled to yank those off, then back to the sensual pillow draping.
Aaron chuckled and crawled in after him. “You look good in my bed.”
He batted his lashes. “Do I?”
“Uh-huh, all laid out. Easy to read.” Aaron didn’t hold back his full weight as he edged between Daniel’s legs. Heavy. Heavy and broad, like dozens of pounds of weight-trained muscle. “Just a pretty little book.”
“Yeah?” He wrapped his legs around Aaron’s waist. “I’m an open book?”
“Easy.” Aaron nuzzled his nose. “Easy to read.”