Page 94 of Proof
“Okay.” She rattled off the address. “What is this all about?”
“I’ll tell you when I see you.”
“When you see me? What is going on?”
“I’m in Sedona.”
Luna sprang up from the bed. “You’re where?”
“Sedona. The same place where you are.” This was not friendly banter.
“What are you doing here?” She could hear the tension in his voice.
“I’ll tell you when I get there.” He realized he didn’t have a car at his disposal and couldn’t ask Buck; otherwise, he would arouse suspicion. After getting off the phone with Luna, Chris called the front desk.
“Hello, Mr. Gannon. How can I help you?”
“Is there a car rental agency nearby?”
“Yes. There is one about three blocks away. Shall I phone them for you?”
“No. But if you could give me the address, I would appreciate it.”
“Certainly.” The desk clerk gave Chris the address and phone number.
Chris called and asked if they could provide a car and could they send someone to pick him up. “One moment, sir, let me check,” a pleasant voice answered him.
He looked at his watch. It was going on eleven. The woman got back on the phone. “I’m sorry, we don’t have anyone to pick you up, but we do have a car. Can you get here in a half hour? We’re closing shortly.”
“Yes. Thanks. I’m on my way.” He was grateful he was in good shape, because he had to hotfoot it ASAP. He grabbed his laptop, stashed it in a carrying case, and slung it over his shoulder. He checked the hallway and then proceeded down the four flights of stairs. When he got to the lobby floor, he peeked through the window to see if any of his colleagues were in his line of sight. All clear. He made a mad dash for the door and hightailed it to the rental agency.
He was almost out of breath when he arrived at the car rental. He made it with six minutes to spare. He pulled out his phony identification and a credit card issued to Charles Gannon. He signed the paperwork and bolted out the door. He punched in the address and tore out of the parking lot.
* * *
Luna was shaking. She had no idea what was going on. She knew this wasn’t Chris surprising her. Well, it was, but not in a good way. She went into Gail’s room. Her friend was still awake, reading a book. Gail looked up in surprise. “What’s going on, sugar?”
“Chris is in town.”
“How nice!”
“No. I don’t think so.” Luna looked grim.
“What do you mean?”
“He sounded rather terse on the phone. Like he was really mad about something.”
“What do you think it is?” Gail sat up and shoved her reading glasses on top of her head.
“I have no idea, but he is on his way over here.”
“Yes, now.”
“Geez is right.” Luna was pacing. “I mean he sounded horn-mad.”